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There is a nasty bug floating round. My boys have got it, my grandson's got it and my youngest daughter's just gotten over it, well nearly, still headachy.


I'm feeling yuck and I don't want it lol

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Today I learned to NEVER, EVER, EVER visit Steam Community. I opened up the news page for Grid, which has been recieved very well, and the shear amount of hatred and invective there is incredible, literally the entire page was given over to expletive filled rants in Russian and Korean about how anyone who'd bought the game should shoot/stab/blow up themselves, jump off a cliff, and in the most imaginative of them, jump into a wood-pulper. Why, was never touched on, the closest any of them came to explaining why they were tossing out NSFW insults at both the game and community, was one of the Korean guys making a cryptic remark about how it was :insufficiently vicarious" Wierd.


So I then thought, "hmmm, maybe some people just hate Grid?" and checked the page for Galactic Civilisations II, assuming a classic old game with a metacritic of 98/100 would surely be given some respect. It was the same, even some of the same people running different names. Just incredible, some people seem to create accounts, simply for the sake of spewing the most repulsive and unprovoked, sexist, often racist rants about games that according to steam, 90% of them have never even played. The internet IS the internet, but I miss the days when it was just a series of interconnected tubes containing cute kitten videos :(


On the Grid front, it's a beast of a game to work through, but it's the first, literally, racing game to manage to confront me, a die-hard motorsport fan with a massive general knowledge, several cars I'd never even heard of before. I'm liking it even more now, it's a nice contrast to Gran Turismo, I think with both you'd have the ultimate racing game combo. It DOES get a touch scary later on though, with a particular event sending you through a spookey moonless night in Big Syr national park, which would cause ANY former Star Wars battlefront player horrible flashbacks to slamming into similar giant redwoods on the forest moon of Endor. It's baptised my system well though, even on max settings, with Crysis-smashing graphics, I'm running a stable 60 FPS with no microstutter. The new Intel i7K chip I'm using is an absolute juggernaut.

120fps maxed out with gamma down to 60 and wow does it look nice :biggrin:

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There is a feeling that people are talking about anything but winning the game. Can't we have a conversation thread just for discussing random stuff?


I win BTW

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We can talk about cats if you wish???



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