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Thank god for VIM, I can check my code for errors there, it automatically detects the programming language and checks the code for syntax and workflow errors. Pretty precise too, I made 17 errors on purpose to check how well it works, it detected and corrected all 17 of them. Hard to use though.




In other news, thank god for Kali, my router died so I had to crack my neighbour's WLAN access point to have internet again. Took 13 seconds to crack a 16-character password of randomly generated numbers using brute-force attack, pretty fast.

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Thank god for VIM, I can check my code for errors there, it automatically detects the programming language and checks the code for syntax and workflow errors. Pretty precise too, I made 17 errors on purpose to check how well it works, it detected and corrected all 17 of them. Hard to use though.




In other news, thank god for Kali, my router died so I had to crack my neighbour's WLAN access point to have internet again. Took 13 seconds to crack a 16-character password of randomly generated numbers using brute-force attack, pretty fast.



Speaking of which, does anyone know a HTML5, CSS3 debugger like that? Or any useful piece of software for code-writing? (Web desing and web dev oriented mostly)


If anyone wants to share some software stuffs that he thinks is really useful please do! (Or Chrome/FF plugins!)

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Speaking of which, does anyone know a HTML5, CSS3 debugger like that? Or any useful piece of software for code-writing? (Web desing and web dev oriented mostly)

Hmm, I know Kali has a lot of software oriented towards web code, HTML, JavaScript, etc. Not so much for actual programming but for exploiting vunerabilities of an operating system, but it's good for development too.


When it comes to programs for Windows, I got some:


There's Vim for debugging and code writing, it's cross-platform so it can be installed on UNIX/Linux/DOS/Windows/Mac/potato, it's pretty good but hard to use.


I find gedit pretty good for code writing, has syntax highlighting, easy to use, cross-platform. No debugger though.


Notepad++ is decent for code writing, though I find it a bit of a resource-hog.


Other than that, I don't know. I personally use Terminal for testing and exporting code snippets, gedit for assembling the code and Vim for debugging.

Edited by Werne
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Vim sounds interesting, gedit looks like it may be worth a try.


I already have N++, idk why but I dont really bother with it for some reason. It's apparently amazing but I'm just too lazy to open it up and explore it properly :P


Thanks, I'll dl both and give them a try.


Maybe I should look in the Chrome App store/Extensions thing, surely there should be some kind of useful plugins for web dev.

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