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Well, got my new bike today. I almost didn't bother test-riding the other option because the Suzuki was so good, but the other option, a Kawasaki, is just that little bit more... finessed. It'll be here next weekend.

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lol Borderlands 2 new dlc is a bunch of lol's especially some of the one liners. When the miners die in a fake scottish accent off to hell i go. not to mention swearing and stuff. it just random lol.

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You may or may not agree, but I got a bit of a giggle off this news story. Life's like that, you finally find what you're looking for, then you have to watching it disappear again.

Edited by Vindekarr
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lol Borderlands 2 new dlc is a bunch of lol's especially some of the one liners. When the miners die in a fake scottish accent off to hell i go. not to mention swearing and stuff. it just random lol.

Still haven't even beaten the main part of Borderlands 2... I just can't force myself to like it. I don't know why I feel that way, I really loved the first but something in the second... I don't know, I just can't play it. :ermm:

Of course, I have a long list of games (particularly shooters) that I started and haven't beaten.

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Well, speaking for myself, I'm having one of those one-in-a-year good days. First, I've now got a set of wheels IRL, SECOND, I discovered how to make gluten free choc chip biscuits in 10 minutes, and third, I had a crate full of books I bought on Amazon finally arrived.


I do love reading, and I have a particular soft spot for bloodthirsty pulp-fiction Sci-Fi. The current series I'm on is Black Library. Black Library absolutely amazes me, ten years ago they were a fanfic site basically. Unpaid, amateur/hobbyist writers drawing up bloothirsty '80s style war-comics in the techno-gothic WarHammer universe. Ten years later they've been on the New York Time's best seller's list a dozen or more times, outsell Star Wars in Australia, and almost everyone I've spoken to about them in gaming circles, has known them by reputation. They're one of sci-fi's little success stories.


YES, they ARE bloody, dystopian gothic-horror, yes there's something of an aura of gloom, but hey, their character design is at times, truly outstanding, the universe is just amazingly deep, the writing itself is very strong, and the shear continuity even across multiple authors is staggering. When you see one story, told across two books, from the first-person perspective of two characters with completely different viewpoints of life, on opposite sides of a civil war, by different two different authors, without a single contradicting detail, THAT, THAT is amazing editing and co-operation. Especially when the story itself is well-told and entertaining.


(BTW, as for cookies, you start with a big 'ol glob of CHUNKY(it HAS to be chunky) peanut butter, a big pile of roasted peanuts, four eggs, a little caster sugar, and an oven. Bash 'em together and oven it, you get really decent cookies. I like to add some oats aswell)

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