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Internet speed depends on the provider, Optima has unlimited with 2MB/s download for 75Kn (12-13$), if you have CARNet (aka, if you go to school) you get the same for 50Kn (8-9$). Unlimited download/upload and they are pretty darn cheap.


And just make fun of our lovely country, Optima is a Slovenian company, our providers suck.



Thing is I'm waiting since we're in the EU now maybe we'll get better internet soon-ish, so I dont want to enter a new contract just now. I'm paying 150kn (Iskon) for 470Kb/s down and ~60Kb/s up and unlimited bandwidth.

I wanted the B.Net service which has like 20Mb/s speeds, but it's not available in Čakovec :(


Either way I'm going to the UK next year so f*** this country :biggrin:


Studying abroad ftw!

Edited by Iv000
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