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The last poster wins


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I love it, Thor. We've both gone through totally different mechanical concepts and ended up with virtually the same specs! You have me(slightly) beat on CPU output, I'm running an overclocked Intel 770K I7 (4.2 GHZ) and since I don't yet have my GPUs installed I'm miles off yours graphically, but I do have slightly better RAM(I'm using the new Sniper series from G-skill, 32GB, slightly slower) and since I do a lot of writing, I've got 5 terrabytes of storage goin' on. 120GB of which is for windows, another 1.5 for gaming, and then the rest is an external, absolutely gigantic Toshiba HDD. It's slow, but it's great as a document-dump.


I can really swear by the motherboard, that's what made this setup possible without advanced cooling, it's a Gigabyte Z77X, and the heatsink on it is just sick-designed extra-specially for running phat CPUs and big SLI setups, without needing water cooling(by way of a ridiculously efficient set of heat-sinks)

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