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Australia, the land of over the top game restrictions, so are you going to get the new Saints row. I might :D


Are games might be a little more expensive, but we do have a games rating system that covers all bases.

even the Uncensored kind :D


I'm getting mine from overseas, I'm pissed over the cut because of a drug but okay over the remover of the alien probe gun.

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I have a feeling they'll just cut the drugs next. Still, have you actually looked at who the OFLC ARE? Not a single person on the board has any prior experience with or prior qualification with video games, most come from either a finance or education background. They also don't match the demographics fairly; all but two of the board are female, single-parents, and aged over 40. None have any prior background with gaming.

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To a point, yeah. They're stupidly hard-line, the whole government's going to hell though. Currently they're only barely hanging on to power by their fingernails, election on September 7. Don't know where I'll vote yet, I think I'll be going Greens(which is sort of like the "I hate both the primaries!" option) The Labour party(think US Democrats) would normally be my choice, but they don't deserve either my vote or another term in power right now. While their politics appeal, they've let the country and their voters down, and in the end I don't think I can bring myself to vote Liberal. The Liberals will almost certainly win, but while Labour upset me through misrule and broken promises, the Liberals are just plain corrupt and are involved in many bribery and fraud cases. It's a messy time.


The Greens will most likely be my choice because honestly they're trying hard to good things; they're trying to make life easier for immigrants, trying to save the environment, trying to promote civil liberty, and they've always been outspoken proponents of the R-18+ rating AND the upgraded internet system. Unfortunately while their goals are noble, they're comically disorganized, under-funded, and are actually really bad at running anything. I get the feeling they couldn't even successfully look after a plant in a pot, let alone a country.

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I to like to look at all of the bad sides of the party system, but for some die hards can't see there own parties corruption. I look at him in disbelief sometimes, some people i know.


Some may have some good qualities but in the long run, most of them are just as corrupt as each other. Especially if you read or watch the news a lot.

each party so far has been caught in some way or form of corruption, scandles or just bad judgement.


that's here in Canada


except the green party as usual, i haven't heard anything from them yet lol

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Julian Assange will apparently be running a sort of "hacker party". I think I might vote for him. What we really need is a Clap-Trap party. Viva La Robolution? I can get behind that!




I mean, let's face it; ClapTrap is AWESOME


And for those who don't know who he is, he's a happy-go-lucky robot from Borderlands, with

severe social and anxiety issues and a bad homicidal habit.

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I would vote for him, i mean clap trap. He would rule nicely, borderlands 2 his personality has changed a bit do the lack of mind melding clap traps to keep him in order.

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