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The last poster wins


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Ah! I see I tricked one person (Thor) into falling for that old Plagiarism trick... :biggrin: :tongue:

Watch your Backs everyone, someone (Thor) will stick a rubber stage knife into your back as quick as you can say,"Win!"


What?! There is no Emote for faking a death scene.


Oh. Well. here goes nothing...


ahhh gr! Gag, cough, cough, groan, cough, flop down on the floor, roll to the camera. Face to the camera, "Eyelids wide" face still as stone for five seconds, "and CUT!" That's a wrap.

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I wouldn't call myself a critic, but i have read a large number of books and find very few that actually 'grip' me.

I read Catcher in the Rye recently because every i talked to said how amazing it was, i found it utter purile drivel.

But i think you should give it a try, just something small at first, like how Ian M banks started with his Wasp Factory.

Oh and I WIN :teehee:

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