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@lv000 just remember to do a board, write out what you want to produce and how its going to work use the top down system or tree diagram to help you plan the site. Remember to also ask the client what THEY want on the flier, the important bits and points of reference :)

You'll be fine kiddo, you know where I am :D

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Sigh back to grinding for xp ion Borderlands 2, even harder t his time around sense there isn't a fourth mode for grinding, except that tannis dlc.

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I just played Rome II, yesterday. I would caution people to wait a few weeks before getting the game as it has some issues. It's nothing major but you wouldn't want to see land with no textures.
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I just played Rome II, yesterday. I would caution people to wait a few weeks before getting the game as it has some issues. It's nothing major but you wouldn't want to see land with no textures.

The ponies the cavalry ride into battle ate all the grass. And rocks. And dirt. And sand and whatever else land is made of.

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I just played Rome II, yesterday. I would caution people to wait a few weeks before getting the game as it has some issues. It's nothing major but you wouldn't want to see land with no textures.

The ponies the cavalry ride into battle ate all the grass. And rocks. And dirt. And sand and whatever else land is made of.


In Skyrim, the evil horsies eat ground, buildings, armor, even people's skin, and they poop red diamonds with exclamation marks. :psyduck:




Nothing is safe anymore. :ohdear:

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Sigh talking to fan boys on forums about how the xbox one will overheat is like talking to a brick wall. I know pc architecture is al lot more at risk to heat then ibm or the cell. If the xbone slows its fans down during operations, it surely will fry. PC architecture does not like to be heated past its normal operating temperatures.



i can see the xbone have day one problems, not that i'm hatin, just concerned. :ohmy:


It looks like MS didn't learn from the 360. Guaranteed overheating issues, if not fried cpu's.


AMD especially is more vulnerable to heat, coming from personal experience.


That's why they recommend super efficient heat sinks and water cooling units for amd, they even suggested that me the stores.


APU's are no different even when under clocked.

Ps4 in the other hand, if they played it smart they would of used the same technique they used for the ps3, heat piping and lots of it.

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missing bsa files and textures, amazing it ran at all.

Gamebryo games will run without textures if you replace the BSA with an empty one, won't work if you simply remove it. Don't ask me how I know that.





Tis mah gaem mon!http://www.420magazine.com/forums/images/smilies/jointma4.gif


That's why they recommend super efficient heat sinks and water cooling units for amd, they even suggested that me the stores.

One question, what's your opinion of liquid nitrogen cooling on stock Intel i5?


I'm currently trading some laptop for a liquid-nitrogen CPU cooler which I thought about selling, but being nuts I now think about mounting it on a CPU that gets up to 62oC during benchmarking on a stock cooler.


I think it's pointless but it looks good in my open case, I was too cheap to buy a new case so I shoved the components into a 15 years old beige PC case and opened it to reduce the vibration noise from the POS sides. :laugh: Plus, the cooler is more expensive than a laptop, so it's like I got paid to take it. :D

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