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The last poster wins


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i win.



Yeah! It is a work in progress. Ever since I was a boy I knew, somehow, there was a girl on the planet waiting just for the right moment to waiting for me to try to catch her. Always just a little bit too far away to grab hold of and hug close. Until one day the magic happens.


So, I sense it takes a pair, a couple, a man and a woman, to make the WIN! You know, Winners like all of us who had parents.


We all won the greatest Race of all time. Or we would not be here!


I WON then and for the moment, "I WIN!" again.

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I just ran sideways, the whole way, and beat your record running forward, the whole way, and now my mind wants a new challenge to fabricate a way to run like a frightened little boy, running from, "The Zombie Dad". I have never seen any children in any of the Zombie movies I managed to stomach.<br><br><br>I WIN<i>!<br><br></i>Oh!  If anything I say seems to be a liar type thing, I am fabricating as I go along, so any reference that resembles a lie, is purely coincidental and is not likely a bad thing in my case.  So, I tire not, of, making up, stories, I wont internally imagine anyone is referring to my external attempts at showing some stability.<i><br><br>In my mind I am as comfortable as can be, its this darn external place that seems to rough up my passive nature so I want to do is, "YELL!" off the top of the highest mountain nearby, "I think that was Mount St. Helen's". <img class="bbc_emoticon" alt=":laugh:" src="http://thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/Dark/laugh.gif"> <img class="bbc_emoticon" alt=":woot:" src="http://thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/Dark/woot.gif"> <br></i>
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I may have the talent, but I am no judge of my own writing. I would need help to determine whether, or not, my words are book worthy.


Doing the WIN thing can really be energizing...I will think and write, until I find the way to type out my mind and heart so others can read and enjoy it for free, for a penny, a dime, or allot more money.


What say you?!


I WIN! As long as I am not able to get my game connections with the servers online I am naked to the world...Got to continue to seek the answer as to why the Actiiontec PK5000 firewall is blocking my ability to get to the servers authentication.



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Your words are amazing :thumbsup: , you sure have talent Pagafyr, just write whatever and it should sell :thumbsup:


I win


You should check out the druids garden, talent like yours deserve recognition :thumbsup:

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