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The last poster wins


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warning multypull nucklear missile launches dected :nuke: :nuke: :nuke: :nuke: :nuke: :nuke: :nuke: :nuke: :nuke: :nuke: :nuke: :nuke: :nuke: :nuke: :nuke: :nuke:

thank got i hid in a lead lined fridge*looks around* i win

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It turns out you lose and cant fit in the 50 or is it 60 fridge :blink:


Cant remember i saw that movie, crap one to, well parts of it anyway.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i win

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:rolleyes: Staring into the gaping space of another WIN post... Ooh! Such large space you have! Grand :unsure: !


Oh! That's Shor! :wacko:


Bouncing back to a mental frame more suitable for posting :turned: :unsure: :tongue: ...I WIN!


Its something to make you think before the epic win, whats it going to be. Something amazing or something not, nope just thors win :biggrin: ,







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Star Trek, Odin, Warhammer, Chos An, purple dinosaurs, and tele-tubbies, Oh! MY!


I brushed my hair :rolleyes: , I brushed my teeth :unsure: , and now that the soap is rinsed out...:biggrin: I wonder?


Is there somewhere I would like to escape :whistling: to that isn't on the forum, on real turf :devil: , :ermm: that I can go, and while there, not worry about the flawed body which my mind conceives is its true and only one :happy: ?




Since it is improbable :ohmy: :pinch: , then I will just have to settle for the best win I can get.


Okay! This one will do here... :tongue: I WIN!

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