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Now here is a strange theory explaining the universe, Brains, and life are cause of :turned:






One extraordinarily unlikely possibility is that anyone or everyone might have randomly come into existence with a complete set of memories no more than a moment ago from a cluster of atoms — an idea suggested by Austrian physicist Ludwig Boltzmann. One might even propose all intelligent minds in the universe are disembodied brains with complete sets of memories that randomly fluctuated out of chaos rather than evolving conventionally from a relatively orderly past. If everyone's minds are suspect, one might never be able to tell whether one's model of the universe is viable or not.
Edited by Thor.
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Microsoft very much deserves to be steamrolled by Sony, they're pricks.


Did you know Microsoft even tried suing the open-source community because they were "infringing on patents"? And it's not just Linux/UNIX either, the entire FOSS community. Steve Ballmer came up with the lawsuit idea, the same brilliant guy that came up with Win8 and Xbox One ideas (no surprise there :rolleyes:).


Apparently, Microsoft patented code, and I'm not talking applications, I'm talking small snips of code (one-liners) which can't be used without concealing the source code of the finished software. Luckily, the GNU GPL license forbids that kind of behaviour. Plus, Intel, IBM and Sony "persuaded" Microsoft to drop the idea, so MS had to piss off. :happy:

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Mind linking the source so i could spam it on ign :laugh:

Its a good thing Steve's leaving ms. He ruined windows after bill gates left.

Edited by Thor.
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