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The last poster wins


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How engaging,

I want to play,

Win is the staple of my diet,

how to win friends,

I seek to know while I fight,

announcing to all,

I seem to be paging,



What are you,

Who are you,

How are we doing at being friends?

Where are you?



Checking in on the PS3,

I see one new message,

somehow it eludes me,

I push every button,

search the entire menu.


I check the messages, "Received"

Over and Over, but there appears,

no new message I have yet seen.



I thought,

what's this game,

Electronic mind rot?


If I cannot connect on this assorted number of lots:

find a friend first,

then a game to play,

I will have to go back to fools school,

and forget about friendship for another jot.


Over border, over land and sea,

all I found is a video for it,

for me.

No game to play as of yet,

named "borderland" do I get.




and fuming I,

a time,

I want to go back to the playground,

where f2f is the way of games shine.


I will figure it out,

sooner or later,

and see what the game is all about,

Better then never,



Now I shine in wonder,

how is the script,

I dare not try it or I might blunder,

Seems I want to mod a trip,

with a friend who I quip,

or a buried skyscraper,

lost in its flower,

I sense the trial of her fun has thunder,

someday it will be a feature,

in moment where I too ponder,

how is the inspiration coming I wonder.


Is her heart and head,

in the forth coming stead,

why I see you still,

not hanging around,

maybe your sleeping,

in bed♠.


I broke my pattern twice this week,

once I found both my feet,

now I see the hands to,

do wander,

How do I win friends,

How do I find love,

how do I earn trust,

how do I find a person who will be friends with me for an eternity,

not for just lust.


I WIN? I will WIN, I have yet to really have a WIN, so I WIN for now, and will begin, again,

I seek to find that mysterious engaging feeling of having a life long, "Friend".

So, mind me not if I do slip off, or blunder, making friends is a new thing for me, since all my youth I worked, and did not have time to.

Now I find making friends has my mind full.



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Judging by your post, you need something more entertaining more friends on the ps3, and more trophies. Borderlands is the key to your life with playstation woes :nuke: :biggrin:
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i win :ninja:

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I have seen many who remind me of the Batman. :ninja:

The rest of us must be keeping an eye out his sidekick, "Robin". :geek:

Who says, "Holy this and Holy that" allot. :wink:

He seems to elude us all, maybe just me. :whistling:

Maybe Robin is really Dark0ne. :wink:


No! I am not JOKING! :dry:


Just having fun and, "guessing". :biggrin:



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