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Sigh yup, the patience is running thin, I'm so bloody exxcited for the r290x. Sigh stop thinking about it...>>>>> :pinch: :pinch: :pinch: :pinch: :nuke: :nuke: :confused: :dry: :geek: :laugh: :nuke:


If only had the funding for it right now lol, In a month in a half time. Waiting sucks. I can literally get it as a discounted price when i do get it. Someone in my family already wants the 7950's at a odd price 230$ a piece.

they are in good condition, clean and never abused. So guess he figured that's how much they are worth. I even have the original boxes that came with them.

Edited by Thor.
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Someone in my family already wants the 7950's at a odd price 230$ a piece.

For used 7950s, yeah, he's even paying too much. New one is around 400$ in Croatia, a month old one is 350$, 6 months old is 300$ and one a year old or older is somewhere around 180-230$ depending on it's condition, those with expired warranty are in a 150-170$ range. Even a GTX 760 is around 150$ after a year or so.


I don't know what magic price-point you're looking for, but it's obviously too high.

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Someone in my family already wants the 7950's at a odd price 230$ a piece.

For used 7950s, yeah, he's even paying too much. New one is around 400$ in Croatia, a month old one is 350$, 6 months old is 300$ and one a year old or older is somewhere around 180-230$ depending on it's condition, those with expired warranty are in a 150-170$ range. Even a GTX 760 is around 150$ after a year or so.


I don't know what magic price-point you're looking for, but it's obviously too high.


its his magic price point, but I'll cut him a deal :thumbsup:

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I take that back, its only a year old to begin with, so his estimations was correct. I think it came with a two year warranty plan, so if anything goes wrong during installation at least he could still get a replacement.

Remember i still have the original boxes and papers that came with them.

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Ako je samo jedna, to je dobro. Meni nije dobro, nedvoljan je moj prosjek. :laugh:


@Thor The guy's right about the price, asking for more would be ripping him off.




And now I'm bored...


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Ako je samo jedna, to je dobro. Meni nije dobro, nedvoljan je moj prosjek. :laugh:


Bit je u tomu da bi ja išao studirati Internetski computing i sistemsku administraciju u Wales, a dobivam jedinice iz predmeta koji se zove "Internetske Tehnologije" i nema veze sa internetom a niti sa tehnologijama, ljudi tamo budu mislili da sam budala ako pogledaju taj predmet i ocjenu. Inače same definicije.


Komunikacija je uspostavljanje informacijske veze između dvaju sustava koji imaju mogućnost slati, primati, memorirati i obrađivati, kemijske, biološke i fizičke podatke. Razgovor je vještina kreiranja i slanja verbalne poruke, zbor kanala komunikacije i prihvat poruke.


Poludjet ću...


Pišem još jedan takav ispit u ponedjeljak. Imamo isti predmet dva puta, samo što je jedan Internetske Tehnologije a drugi je Internet Marketing. Oboje je jedna te ista stvar. Definicije. Tone jebenih definicija.

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google translated :D


It's about the fact that I went to study Internet computing and system administration in Wales, and get the unit out of the subject called "Internet technology" and has nothing to do with the Internet and with no technology, people out there are thinking that I'm a fool if you look at the matter and evaluation. Otherwise, the very definition.
Communication is the establishment of an information connection between the two systems that have the ability to send, receive, store and process, chemical, biological and physical data. The conversation skills to create and send verbal messages, chorus channels of communication and acceptance of messages.
I'm going crazy ...
I am writing another such exam on Monday. We have the same item twice, only one Internet technology and the other is Internet Marketing. Both are one and the same thing. Definitions. Tone f***ing definition.
have you tried google translate yet, its getting pretty accurate, slang and everything.
translated back to croatian
Riječ je o činjenici da sam otišao na studij Internet kompjutore i administracija sustava u Walesu, i dobiti jedinicu iz predmeta pod nazivom "Internetska tehnologija" i nema nikakve veze s internetom i bez tehnologije, ljudi vani su mislili da sam budala ako pogledate u pitanju i ocjenjivanje. Inače, sama definicija.
Komunikacija je uspostava informacijskog veze između dva sustava koji imaju sposobnost za slanje, primanje, pohranjivanje i obradu, kemijskih, bioloških i fizičkih podataka.Razgovor vještine za stvaranje i slanje verbalne poruke, korske kanali komunikacije i prihvaćanje poruka.
Ludim ...
Pišem još jedan takav ispit u ponedjeljak. Imamo isti predmet dva puta, samo jedan Internet tehnologija, a drugi je Internet marketing. Obje su jedna te ista stvar. Definicije. Tone jebena definicija.
Edited by Thor.
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