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lol taking things to a hole new level, the hole part is the vagina, with special adjustment sizes for that to. If the sims 4 is coming to ps4 i might pick it up.


Also news breakthrough they found anti matter in the suns solar flares, that's win for Warp drive.





If you want i none biased news site, i found one. Science but it has allot of conflicting reports.



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After I gave my fellow, cubicle lovers a look, to see if they were poking their noses into the squares around their cages, oops, (I mean cubicles) to see if their neighbor is excited or if they could get their neighbor excited I decided to, umm? :ohmy: It was time I moved along.


Modernizing my place would be simple. Just dig a hole in the back yard to the west wall and add a secret passage all the way down to the riverside. I could sneak out without anyone knowing I was gone and fish all morning before the Wildlife, Fish, and Parks Ranger even knew I was in the secret fishing shelter camouflaged out of site.

:cool: I WIN! :geek:

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Also news breakthrough they found anti matter in the suns solar flares, that's win for Warp drive.





That site is running a little late with the news, NASA already discovered and published this back in 2003: http://www.nasa.gov/centers/goddard/news/topstory/2003/0903rhessi.html


All that's likely new about this discovery is that they identified the composition of the antimatter particles. (which turned out to be positrons) It is good news regardless though.


Would be nice if we could somehow "capture" or harness it by the way. Antimatter produces stupendous amounts of energy upon annihilation. The possibilities would be near limitless. Or as, Palpatine would say:


http://i.imgur.com/cJlBUVL.gif :tongue:

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Still good to know it actually exists, means it gives warp drive a thing to hold on to. its only a matter of time :laugh: They already have the impulse engine lol.


The thing is, what they have now that mainstream does not tell you, but Warp drive may surpass anything else, because of the sheer speed and the fact it bypasses the speed of light entirely. Even if you could go faster then the speed of light, warp drive will always be faster because it bypasses it. It claimed to be able to reach the nearest solar system in a weeks time, if not faster depending how much energy you put into it.

No speed limit. in a years time you could in theory go across the galaxy.

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Once again I find that someone unkind has slipped a less nutritious sort of food into the decanter delivering it in hope my memory will fail.


A message was sent out to find the lout who put the black foul water therein. The fools may as well pour ink from the well into a cup of heated water and call it, "Inkeeless words", because it does nothing else except fill our minds with charcoal bits from ashes of a dead tree.


Decaf anyone?! :sleep:



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Still good to know it actually exists, means it gives warp drive a thing to hold on to. its only a matter of time :laugh: They already have the impulse engine lol.


Well, as long as they come up with a better design for a starship with a warpdrive then those from Star Trek, I'd rather have it today then tomorrow.


Until then, I'd like to call dibs on a couple of stars and their immediate surroundings: Proxima Centauri, Antares, VY Canis Majoris (if it hasn't blown up yet), Saggitarius A and Saggitarius A*.

(kudos if you know what Saggitarius A* is without googling it)

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What if we go there, find out they are already occupied, such realestate would be up for grabs.


the things going on these days, if you youtube it. The fascinating unrestricted open youtube, you would find anything of interest, its the hub of the internet. Try to guess where i am going at :teehee:, freedom of speech is world wide, if you haven't noticed, depending what you use. Unless some third world countries block it.


you don't have to look for it most of the time.

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What if we go there, find out they are already occupied, such realestate would be up for grabs.


Hmmm I hadn't considered that. Wait, I know. I'll change my name to NIck Fury and call in the rest of the Avengers. You're already here after all.


Try to guess where i am going at


Not sure if I'd even want to know.


How about some interesting vids related to the stars you and the rest of the Avengers might have to conquer:


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Sadly there is a theory that debunks black holes and the fact there never was or is actual proof they exist other then computer models.




Dark matter does exist so does matter, just the mainstream theories never did do the math correctly.

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*sigh* I was afraid you were going to post tin foil hat bull like this.


I'm assuming you don't know Stephen Crothers never even finished his PhD course?

The same Stephen Crothers who basically denies everything about black holes and the big bang theory ever by any and all physicists since 1916?

The Stephen Crothers who has ties to the so-called "Alpha Institute for Advanced Studies" who are well known to have made some of most absurd claims about just about everything to do with physics? (including, of course, the "Refutation of the Einstein field equation, big bang and black hole theory".)


and the fact there never was or is actual proof they exist other then computer models.


One word: Quasars. So much for your supposed lack of actual proof.

Oh wait, I'm assuming Mr. Crothers denies the existence of quasars too? Even though they're clearly observable being that they can be as much as 100 times as luminous as their surrounding galaxies?


Please, do your own mind a favor and do some real research first next time.

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