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A pine tree would be completely frozen. (the mean temperature on Mars is like -60 Celsius)


Main thing Mars is lacking, and what's also the cause of it's extremely low atmospheric density (less then 1% that of Earth), is a magnetosphere.


Maybe, just maybe, if all volcanoes on Mars would erupt at the same time + humans would bring in vast amounts of equipment which release gases that trap heat in the atmosphere and increase atmospheric pressure, we could maybe kick-start a sort of greenhouse effect, but that would likely take a really, really long time to have any kind of significant effect.


Because iron ore rust makes oxygen there would be more Oxygen to breath! Humidity is a follow up of Oxygen and Water.


Except that in order for rust to form in the first place one requires oxygen + water. Now, there is some water on Mars, but there's only trace amounts of oxygen. Not that it matters. Rust actually reduces the amount of oxygen, not the other way around.


The bloom box is mars answer to Oxygen refinery.


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A pine tree would be completely frozen. (the mean temperature on Mars is like -60 Celsius)


Main thing Mars is lacking, and what's also the cause of it's extremely low atmospheric density (less then 1% that of Earth), is a magnetosphere.


Maybe, just maybe, if all volcanoes on Mars would erupt at the same time + humans would bring in vast amounts of equipment which release gases that trap heat in the atmosphere and increase atmospheric pressure, we could maybe kick-start a sort of greenhouse effect, but that would likely take a really, really long time to have any kind of significant effect.


Because iron ore rust makes oxygen there would be more Oxygen to breath! Humidity is a follow up of Oxygen and Water.


Except that in order for rust to form in the first place one requires oxygen + water. Now, there is some water on Mars, but there's only trace amounts of oxygen. Not that it matters. Rust actually reduces the amount of oxygen, not the other way around.


My! :blush: Oh yeah! :mellow: Oxygen & humidity cause iron to rust. :sad: I'm going to have to go back to the Lewis and Clark Caverns in Montana to listen to that tour guide again and see if in the excitement of the adventure I got the fun facts the tour guide gave us wrong. :pinch:

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A person from the RSPCA called today looking for my Dad, and I told her to ring back later. Well, she must have just called again but my sister answered the phone. Now, it would have been okay, except my sister decided to use the telemarketer-insult machine on her: "Go f*** yourself, and your mother, you c*** sucking, mother f***ing low-life sack of s***".


So yeah, I don't think they will ever call again. :pinch:

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Made another sword today - first one in quite a while.


I'm trying out some contemporary medieval designs. I like these types of swords much more than impractical fantasy designs.

EDIT: Ohhhhh yeahhhhhh, that turned out very nice in-game. This time I tried using the steel greatsword .nif values as my base, and I must say that it worked quite well indeed: the reflections and such turned out better than expected. :D

The only problem is that in the inventory screen, the weapon rotation is really weird. Oh well, at least it doesn't affect how it is in the actual game - screw the inventory!

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I am here, hear me over the Internets, you should be poster here NOOOWWW!!!. Did i get your attention, probably not :teehee:

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After my complete re-install of Skyrim, I think I'm finally getting somewhere.






I think it looks pretty nice. :smile: I still have to do a lot of tweaks though (running about 25 frames at the moment) but that's okay.



EDIT: Ahahahaha, this video is so funny! It's a dog dressed up as a giant spider who scares the crap out of people. :P




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I just re-installed Oblivion and a billion mods (not really, but it always feels like a lot).

Aaand my brother is throwing a fit again. Punching his phone. Being an ass like usual too.
EDIT: LMAO. He just used the words "trip to Europe" in a sentence while he was complaining about his phone. Seriously? :pinch:
Oh. Something was just thrown. He scares me sometimes.

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