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Finally, some better customisation for an AC game.



You can see all the armour pieces at 2:30. I really like how this has been done - being able to play how I want is just what AC games needed, as opposed to simply being an all-rounder. I think I may have simple leather for manoeuvrability, a bit of chainmail for protection, and a long sword for battle. :D


So yes, I think I might actually buy this one, instead of just waiting for my uncle to get it for the PS4 and then playing it. I hope my laptop can handle it though. Watch Dogs ran decently on this machine, but I've yet to try an AC game on PC (and I'll probably just use my xbox controller anyway).

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Oooo it has coop too? I might have to get that one as well! Plus the armors and stuff look like fun.

I started rambling... It's pretty much pointless so unless you're bored I wouldn't open this.

I've played the first and second (and a DS game), and have the third but never got far into it. These games are made more often than Call of Duty games are. I know there's I,II,III,IV for the numbered ones, and then Brotherhood, Revelations, Unity, and Rogue. Brotherhood and Revelations are sequels to II (so technically wouldn't they be 3 and 4? :tongue: ), and Rogue is a sequel to the fourth game (but comes out after they start another new storyline...). I guess I'd have lots of catching up to do. All I know is I was kind of confused when I beat the second game.

One game that is anticipated by a lot of people that I know I won't get is the next Borderlands. I don't know that I could take anymore of that game. I really, really liked the first but the second one just... I don't know.
I probably won't get Far Cry 4 either, considering I got bored with the third pretty quick. Then again I did enjoy driving a jeep off a cliff and watching enemies follow me and then burn as their vehicles exploded and set the grass and trees on fire...
Plus both of them are shooters and I'm starting to feel like I may not be a big fan of shooters. And stupid humor on Borderlands end. ZING!

I am really wanting a few PS4 exclusives, like Bloodborne and maybe WiLD and maybe The Order and Infamous Second Son (those particles :O ) and wow looking at a list of games I realize there's a lot I want coming out next year and this year. Quite a few that I would get for the PC. I am feeling nostalgic for Nintendo things... Like Super Smash Bros. A lot of craving for that. It was the only 'fighting' game I was at least decent at. And throwing random things at people is fun. Nothing going for you though Microsoft. The maybe four games (Crackdown, maybe Fable, maybe Quantum Break, and maybe Scalebound because dragons) that I might have interest in aren't enough to forgive my previous issues with MS and the 360 and whatever crap the Xbox One would have. Besides Fable is another spin off one. :sad:

Anyway definitely looking forward to obviously The Witcher 3, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Bloodborne, and Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord the most. I can't forget Kingdom Come though, and I also backed Witchmarsh and Moon Hunters on Kickstarter.

I'm gonna go to bed. I actually came here to make a small goodnight-ish post but I think I entered spaz mode and yeah... This happened.
Also random but I want to make these shelves:
THEY f***ing GLOW!!!


Edited by K00L
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Yep, 4-player co-op, though only in the multi-player missions. The rest of the game will be single-player. I actually prefer it that way, so I can choose to be anti-social if I want. :P


The Assassin's Creed games are getting a little bit too... numerous. It kinda feels like they're scratching for ideas for the newer games, since the wars for the Apple of Eden can only go for so long. Then there are all the other magical artifacts that are seemingly invented to conveniently create an antagonist who's sole purpose is to try and obtain it and to be an all-around evil fellow. It's just becoming too cumbersome, I reckon.


I didn't really enjoy Borderlands either (I only played the second one though) - too much mindless killing and not enough incentive to actually play besides getting guns that are 1% better than your previous one.


I'll get Far Cry 4 once it goes on sale, but I'm not very excited for it either. One of the main problems with first-person only games is that you can't really become attached to the main character when you can't see their facial expressions and stuff (also they have to generally remain fairly neutral on everything so as not to alienate any of the players) and have to rely on voice acting alone. That's why I didn't play Far Cry 3 as much as any of the Assassin's Creed games - Jason wasn't as interesting as Ezio.


Argh, I'm on a rant too now. :pinch:



Also, I got a new phone. This time, an iPhone 5C (what's the point of getting a 5S or a 6? They're just more expensive, pretty much) and so far, it is approximately 257% better than my previous phone, a Samsung Galaxy Y.

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Truth is; you're my only fan. :laugh: I'm Famous?!

So, how many times do you correct your posts? I can see maybe a couple of times each, but not enough times to score as high as the number of views there?

If we were competing to see how many posts we could get, I'd have to really try harder. I could show off the ancient mariner stuff I gathered from 1492 when some ships logs pages torn out of a sea going ships journal were found, believed to belong to someone not quite as famous as Columbus. A description of the sky changing from blue to bright green, flowers shooting up from a water spout, and people rising up from the water in brilliant white speckled with flowers colored clothes, not to hard on the eyes; with strange instruments making noises, not too hard on the ears; and singing, "We all live in a yellow submarine, a yellow submarine, a yellow submarine, we all live in a..."

Little Jack Horner Sat in his corner eating his Xmas pie, he stuck in his thumb and pulled out a plumb and said, "Oh! What a good boy am I!"

Gnight Man!

:sad: I WIN! :laugh:

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Spelling error, speed typer. So when i am typing some times i end up with gibberish sometimes or double words.

I got get back into that game monkey island, it has a real deep story to it.




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Now you know how it feels, no one takes me seriously because they could never come to understand what i have found just simply youtube itself. Completely factual. SCIENCE! And a far understanding then anyone before. Because you can see what they have seen, but also what they have missed.


There is connection and truth out here, you just have to find it. Or it finds you, or your mind will start piecing the puzzle for you, sometimes you would also get a eureka moments with out any help at all. :smile: If you have a long memory it helps to, just be careful not to flood it and keep things organized.

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