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I downloaded Awakening too. I think my old computer had too many Mods, not just for DA: Origin and stuff, but for all the games I was playing at the time. That was back when a routine Defragmentation of the hard drive was required to keep everything running smoothly. One too many defrags later! :ohmy: Fried my computer hd. :ohmy:

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It's funny that you said that, I was actually going to say "Take that scumbag," where I said "I can be a dick too, brother..."

My brother always used the name PFCDev, and he used to use AK47-Husky a lot. I wish I could change my username here. K00L seems... Stupid.


I wish my username had a capital letter. I have no idea why I didn't make it have a capital letter when I made it. IT INFURIATES ME! :mad:


But to close this account and start a new one... that's 2,300 posts gone to waste (not to mention the posts in this thread which didn't count) so yeah, just dealing with it. :/


On with the discussion you and billyro are having. I'm readin your chat about DA:O and related stuff to it. Catching up on the stuff I missed out on when my Dragon Age: Origin got swamped so I could not play the addon DLCs I bought. I never got to go find Morrigan, or anything else. :wallbash:


I should do Awakening a second time as well since I've only done it once. I remember most of it I think, and that's kind of making me not want to play it again.


Dragon Age Origins' DLC were so difficult! I even struggled on the easy difficulty. :pinch:


I must just suck at tactics or something. I like action games where timing, reactions and skill is important, and Origins was pretty much the opposite. :tongue: Dragon Age 2 was a lot more my style. Inquisition's combat looks like it will be good, too.





Hmm, I'm thinking about trying SkyRE for Skyrim alongside the new Perkus Maximus that T3nd0 just released. I've been using Requiem up until now and while it's generally good, there are a lot of things that I don't like about it.


Requiem is hard - almost unfair hard. Harder than Dark Souls if you don't tweak the settings. It is literally impossible to beat anyone unless you have good equipment and have levelled up on random animals you cross paths with. Even a single bandit in fur armour will wipe the floor with you unless you're at least level 5 and have steel armour or better. It's ridiculous.


Therefore, one day I shall try out SkyRE with Perkus Maximus, maybe throw in the Skill-Based Damage and Magnitude Multipliers mod, and see how that goes. I'm just sick and tired of the OP enemies in Requiem. I am the freaking Dragonborn, dammit!

Edited by billyro
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I'm in agreement with that, billyro. :yes: It took a lot of work to get the character strong enough to win a battle. :rolleyes: Morrigans Mom was impossible for a long time throughout the game. That Big Bad old Dragon :ohdear: became a nightmare for me.


I would not mind playing it from the beginning :smile: and sticking with it all the way through to Dragon Age: Inquisition. :yes: I'd probably be under the spell of it all Winter than. :woot:

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Yeah, I never defeated Flemeth. I suppose you have to be really powerful to take her on (I was about halfway through the story when I tried) so yeah, I have no idea what happens after that. I ended up just accepting Flemeth's request to take the Grimoire and lie to Morrigan about her death. Easier that way, and Morrigan was a b&@*$ so she deserved to be lied to. :P




Anyway, I saw a thread in the General Mod Author Discussion section of the Nexus Forums titled "Game I Created". This reminded me of a game I made about 4 years ago, and I thought I might as well share it here for you guys. It's a fighting game based on the anime Naruto (I used to love that show but I stopped watching it) and it did pretty well on yoyogames.com (got to the top 30 at one stage).




Beware: I must have accidentally introduced a memory leak in the final version (still beta because my computer died and I lost the files) so the game will probably slow down after a few battles until it crashes. If you can find any earlier versions, they might be more stable but I'm not sure. Also, the music might be a bit annoying (I have no idea how it didn't annoy me at the time) but I believe you can disable it in the options. :)

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Well, my laptop has royally f***ed up. My brother ripped my charger out as sort of a joke, and then the charger didn't work when I plugged it back in. I restarted the laptop, and it eventually started working again so I didn't think anything of it. I then went to play Skyrim and I noticed it was running at about 5-10 frames per second. I troubleshooted that for about half an hour without figuring it out, so I tried to play another game when I noticed it too had performance issues. By then, I'm thinking, "Lovely, a problem with the f***ing machine itself."


I'm running a virus scan at the moment to see if that turns anything up, but what will probably have to happen is a system restore. I don't really want to do that though because I've never done one before (haven't had any reason to, since I've been careful).



So yeah, a smarmy little prank has turned into a bloody nightmare. :mad:



EDIT: Alright, after restarting my laptop after doing various checks and the virus scan, it seems to be working good again. I'm so relieved at that! It would have been typical that my laptop stuffs up just before the release of my most anticipated game this year, but NOT THIS TIME! AHAHAHAHAHA!

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I just got another mage in Heroes of Dragon Age... Anders. Which is cool because he's an epic and all, but seriously!? I need a character that has more than 1800 health at level 50. Also, he works for this event... which ends in 6 hours.


Hey, ah I'm Kitteas. New-ish here. Mind if I pop in and chat/get to know some of you?

I don't mean to interrupt any ongoing conversations! Would love to make some friends, though.


: )

Hi! Welcome to the best part of the Nexus. :tongue:

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Thanks for the update billro. I remembered Flemeth. As you said, She was a tough act. :devil: The problem held my attention though, cause, I wanted to find out what difference it would make if my Character won the battle.


I recall, Dragon Age: II. Played it through rather quick. :pinch: Got bored waiting for new DLC's. :sleep: Seemed my 'Mod overloaded game machine' just could not take the pressures I put on it after that. :geek:


Fallout 3, Oblivion, STEAM, and then Fallout: New Vegas. Skyrim... :ohmy: Oops!


One too many games, with too many sites online loading games sales, such as: Impulse, Ubisoft, Origin, STEAM. :confused: All vying for my attention with their FORCEWARE advertisings tripping my machine while I was in mid-game, causing their server link to crash, crash the link and the games, and later my machine just, COULDn't Take it anymore... :ohmy:

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