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No, I should be apologizing. I wasn't in a particularly good mood when I read what you said. I was a bit harsh.


I've heard quite a few people having issues with the online passes, but aside from Mass Effect and Battlefield I've only played EA games on PC. Not only that, but I don't think the online passes for either of those cost money because I know my brother and I shared a copy of Mass Effect 3. I know I've seen a few that cost money though. Edit: Oops, while they actually dropped the program so they're free now, I guess my brother must have bought one and I didn't know about it.


And yeah, Sony kind of has two or three things going that would be competing with EA Access, two of which are new (PS Now, PS Plus, and PS TV).


I understand the feeling you have towards EA, I guess I'm kind of the odd one out since it seems most people have had so many issues and I haven't had any with them. Microsoft is another story. And CD Projekt Red, though not being able to redeem my key hasn't prevented me from anything other than getting my backup copy on GOG. Not really what I was expecting since they get so much praise, but then again, I'm the only person who hasn't had issues with EA crap. :tongue:


@Billyro, I bought Anno on Steam and discovered the glorious creation called uPlay. I haven't touched it since buying it.

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STEAM and ORIGIN on the Same computers hard drive isn't a good plan. They have software conflicts. STEAM uses Forceware and ORIGIN uses BITRAIDER. Both on the same hard drive cause conflicts. Even mismanaging files and losing folders.

Keep STEAM or keep ORIGIN.

You can buy the games, like, Dragon Age: Inquisition from STEAM and keep your hard drive or SSDs OS from having problems.

Impluse, Origin, Steam, Arc, all of them run background apps. So, keep one and don't use the others. Buy the games when they come out on your favorite game server. As for Consoles, they are set so they don't swap service links from different servers.

If I seem to be babbling, it's because I just spent 3 hours playing the MMO I had on the hard drive I have set up for Origin.

I wiped STEAM off it and put STEAM on another Hard drive. Hard drives are less expensive these days and with a few network blocking tricks they don't confuse each other as though they were two different computers with Windows 7 legal licensed OS's.

I have a different legal copy of the OS on both Hard drives to avoid contract legalities. When I estimated the cost of a new console over the cost of an hd and another copy of Windows 7 it was cheaper in the long run. I get better graphics because I have full control of the Video Card.

:laugh: Stage right I WIN! curtain stage left :sad:

Applause, Applause.


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Phew! Finished my first shift at work. It was pretty good, but physically tiring...




EDIT: Woooo! I got my Dragon Age: Inquisition key today - now it's been redeemed on Origin and I can pre-download it tomorrow and then PLAY IT THE NEXT DAY! WOOOOOOOOO!!!


I seriously thought I wouldn't be able to play until the 22nd, but now I can play on the 19th! YES! 3 WHOLE DAYS LESS!!!


Also, if anyone else is getting Dragon Age on PC, you should add me on Origin (my account name is billyro408) then we can play multiplayer and stuff. :smile:

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I'll pass. The release is near enough that I'd rather avoid the spoilers.



Also K00L, I had a look at your Heroes of Dragon Age characters today. Are you fortifying your legendaries with at least rares? My legendaries are of a similar level but they have about double the health, I think because I've fortified them heaps. You can really double your stats with good fortifications. :)

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Yup. I'm actually not certain I've fortified Uldred yet. Wynne is definitely using rares and probably a couple of epics.
Edit: Wynne only gets about half of what Uldred gets from fortification... what? :dry:

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Tomorrow is the day of reckoning, we the inquisition shall for some odd reason indulge in gaming sort of until Tuesday. ??? :geek: :teehee:



Not sure if i like the idea of it playing like Witcher 1.

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Yup. I'm actually not certain I've fortified Uldred yet. Wynne is definitely using rares and probably a couple of epics.

Edit: Wynne only gets about half of what Uldred gets from fortification... what? :dry:


Yeah, maybe because Wynne is mostly a healing character. I had the same thing with The Architect, which is why I'm not using him. :tongue:


EDIT: I just got another Grey Warden Oghren. Mixed feelings about this one: he's really awesome and powerful, but I don't like having 2 characters of the same name at once. Feels less genuine that way...


Oh well, power.



EDIT: Oh, and I also got him in a soldier pack. That makes 4 legendaries from the soldier packs, 1 from a champion pack. That seems strange...

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Sounds good. :smile:



EDIT 4: I think I've finally got Skyrim to look as I want it.










Alright, alright, I kind of cheated because I enabled depth of field and ambient occlusion for these screenshots, but the colours and stuff are schmick.


I think I shall delete my Queensland ENB and upload this one instead. :smile:




EDIT 5: And I also released a mod tonight. I wonder why it hasn't already been done before... seriously, even have a look. It's strange how something so glaringly ugly could remain that way in a game like Skyrim, but oh well. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/60075/?








Also, if you're wondering why I'm making so many edits in this post, it's because I'm bored and at a loss at what to do while I wait for Dragon Age. :P

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