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:geek: Maple syrup is:


Tree sap turned into a sweet taste treet from a tree, or treat; i.e., if you prefer spelling tree like this, "trea".


Did I tell you about the loop we are all stuck in? I'd rather not go into details at this time, but we are; and we all seem content with it. You :mellow: & Me :mellow: At least I was until it started all over again. I discovered that; :geek: ​u​nless someone points at it from another angle, to make it seem like we're not in the loop, it almost goes on unnoticed.


Have some sweeten sap from a Maple tree. Maybe pour some Maple syrup on a heaping stack of buttered warm pancakes or waffles?


Maybe it will make you feel better while you contemplate forgetting we're all on and in the same loop together. All of us keep going round and round and round!


Ever wonder why we got into this loop in the first place? I mean, "The Real Reason Why?"


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You're so obvious niphilim222. A "S. N. A. R. K." could sneak up on you, pick your pocket, and leave you a little present. You would be so busy focusing on your target, preparing to snipe away, that you wouldn't notice until you got to your concrete bunker safe house and reached in your pocket to find the melting piece of chocolate the S. N. A. R. K. left you for a Santa present.



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