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The last poster wins


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With ground diamonds, powdered pearls, and sticky Cliff Racer spit Pagafyr covers his clothes in the paste to become invisible. Sneaking into the pantry of the Tupperware sales lady, the invisible Telvanni wizard crabs a cinnamon roll and uses a levitation potion. Steps out the door and rises back to his 3 inch tall house and up to the upper patio.
Pagafyr sits on his favorite patio mushroom chair, pours himself a cup of Lemon tea, and looks over the edge of his invisible patio wall of his mycological grown house he just painted entirely with the invisibility paste.


Several people walk by. One woman with a boyfriend walks to and stops by a sign pointing to Balmora. Pagafyr watches and listens as he happily eats a piece of the sweet cinnamon roll. He overhears their chatter, ponders their words. Her boyfriend seems to be suggesting she needs a man. Maybe there is one in Balmora. Pagafyr levitates up to the corner sign post near her floats near her ear and whispers in her ear. There is a man in Balmora, he is young, healthy, and already for a sweet young thing like yourself. There is a man in Balmora...Suddenly her boyfriend squeals, "A Man?! Finally!" Then runs in the direction of Balmora. Pagafyr realizes his mistake, levitates back his cozy mushroom chair, sips some lemon tea, then smirks as he takes another bite of his cinnamon roll.




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