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The little house I have purchased for very little money stayed warm enough all night that the water pipes did not freeze. I left the window open, a little ways, so the air would stay fresh longer.


I guessed since the clouds did not drop rain, or snow, they were going to keep the heat trapped around the area all night.


Sure enough, the clouds did their magic!


It never got colder then 40 degrees Fahrenheit. I've slept outdoors, on the ground, in this sleeping bag, in the mountains when it was colder then that.




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Hey! Somebody?! :ohmy:


It is still 51 degrees Fahrenheit at 3:26 AM MDT.


To save money and stop heating up your place more costing you more money.


"Turn off that hot water heater at night while you're asleep or it will heat the room above it. It will start up the heating element every time it cools down a bit too low."


It will. :yes:


You will save a bunch of money every month when you shut it off at night and leave it off until morning.


Yes you will! :yes:





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I'm getting some good temps on my gtx 1060 gigabyte g1 gaming model.


60c and no higher witht he fans working at 40%. its a good thing that i bought the gigabyte model becuase evga is reported too explode in short times to. proof here



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I'm glad Willam seas making the port over to special edition. this mod is insane when you lok at the depth he put into the mod.


Also here is my official heaven valley benchmark.



never goes above 66c on heavy load for 10 minutes stable.


Unigine Valley Benchmark 1.0 FPS:




Min FPS:


Max FPS:


System Platform:

Windows 10 64bit edition registered as windows 8

CPU model:

AMD FX-8350 Eight-Core Processor (4333MHz) x4

GPU model:

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB (4095MB) x1

Settings Render:



1920x1080 8xAA fullscreen


Extreme HD
Powered by UNIGINE Engine
Unigine Corp. © 2005-2013
the secret to not have amd bottleneck your system is to go the way of ssd as a c partition. I dont use the on board sound either so the heat decreases by 10c. Sense the onbaord chip is disable, I went the way of Creative sound blaster z for my build. So i can hook it up using the toslink cable, so i could hook it up to my 5.1 Onkyo HD receiver. it Sounds like bliss.
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