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Sorry! I'm reviewing the information from the Sonar pictures taken of the city with a pyramid that was discovered under water near Cuba. It's fascinating. Also just a little disturbing that since 1985 they haven't provided any updates to the research about the find. It is troubling to think that since we have advanced technology now, 30 years later, that did not exist back then, e.g., manned diving submarines that can dive to depths to study the Titanic, and they haven't done anything to find out if there is a tower, orb, light glowing from some source, a possible power source there.


A light was perceived to be pulsing, by the team they assembled back then, when the technology we had would not allow the human body to go deep enough to find out if the people who they had, sensitive to energy only a few humans could feel, that reported a pulsing orb of light. Bright enough light to suggest something was providing power to it. Not bright enough though at the depth the sonar reported, even in the darkest evening, back then, they could not of been able to see if there was an orb much less light coming from one.


The sonar map shows a very large area of buildings, including a big pyramid.


Too bad I can't share what I have hypothesized might be going on with someone who might actually be interested enough to dare to go out into the cold, cold ocean's space to see if is Atlantis. To find out if it is still powered up, and waiting for Atlantis's former tenants to return. Or, at least, get to read someone else's reports that did study it further and learn what they found with the better diving camera's and mini-subs too.


So far I haven't seen anything that suggest's anyone got funding to further the research. Star Trek, Trump says go boldly forth, and I say sure, yeah, don't forget to go forth into the depths of the finds laying at the bottom of the ocean that might give us a lift to rise up to travel with outer space and seek knowledge that we might find, even if it is to find the remains of Atlantis's people to add another piece of the puzzle for humankind to try to fit into the big picture.

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I just found a website, coincidence since I just mentioned my own confusion, that is describing some similar dates and people. >>> https://badarchaeology.wordpress.com/2012/10/28/an-underwater-city-west-of-cuba/ <<<


Now it seems weirder still after reading the sites page. The fact is I'm almost positive my information is from 1985 about a research team that was a group of highly regarded scientists and psychics, not some floating barge of conspiracy theorists. The team was part of another organization which was known about because they documented events with cameras.


With Television there to support and refute anyones attempts at calling their filmed events a hoax or a film makers fantasy made to seem real, and anyone who wanted to could have taken the film and checked to see if anyone had manipulated it to drum up the old B movie crowds interests.


One Step Beyond, a series of televised stranger then fiction shows, also had members who made very careful documentation so they could prove they were getting as much real information as was possible. They wanted people to think. The website I posted for you or anyone else interested says the strangest thing is, the people who would not let something like the siting and site just fade from existence seem to have just stopped talking about it. Gone!

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Even this Wikipedia drums it out in 2012. So why am I getting that creepy feeling someone is about to open a whole new chapter on how we humans are so easy to lead around by ghost busters, weird life events, and science fact or fiction only to be feeling I need to rise out of my comfort zone, instead of just letting go die of old age, and I feel the need to start exercising again?

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I'm getting that story writing urge I got when I was learning how to use a keyboard and mouse to play Morrowind.


I began to change my attitude from griping, flaming, and cursing to a do some modding to make the game function like I expected from those who provided mods to shore up the video card software differences all the way to writing a story and learning to mod a meaningful adventure with a prize. The prize was a place to live, store everything we collected, with a room with a bed that gave the owner a good nights rest, and a practice room with dummies: targets for bow and arrow, melee, and sword or staff targets that actually would aid the player to acquire experience points.


I have that feeling again. A story emerging from the depths of my mind. The place it is coming from seems familiar and yet no place I've escaped to, more like I escaped from. I have the feeling the story begins with the one place I had really thought of as the last place I would ever see before I died. But I escaped instead.


Have I escaped? Or is that what my story is going to figure out?

I really feel I am not looking for just another


Maybe it was the Turkey Tetrazzini?

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