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The last poster wins


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It would seem others seem to think I am like Pig-pen < https://goo.gl/images/RQDdZv > with a flare toward archaeology, and I am not too fascinated with Fame and Fortune like Indiana Jones. It seems people like to remain clean and distanced from me, studying the items in a clean room where everyone can see the wealth, but not the person who dug it up they passed sitting in the dirt outside. < https://goo.gl/images/kBtz9E > :tongue: < https://goo.gl/images/K8ZwnA > ;snicker;


Can you feel the Earth shifting under the weight of artifact hunters, seeking Fame and Fortune, as they all move stealthily toward all those new cracks in the Earths terrain?

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Snow forecast for later today in the area.


Sun Worshipers seen packing their RV reluctantly.


Over heard neighbors 70 year old son trying to convince his 94 year old Dad to give him some money. The son tried to convince his Dad that he had wrecked their car and wanted him to pay for it, in cash.


I heard the sound, "thwack" of a baseball bat and saw his son running from the house. Guess his Dad didn't buy his sons con job and sent him packing without a cent.


Heard his Dad yelling at him from the back door.


He pointed the bat out the door and told his son to stay in @u*! CA for good. Adding, with a shout.


YOU LAZY BUMS! The Earth's Warming climate is because of all your RVers friends, Hippie buses, trailer travelers, and you heating up the world instead of hitch hiking and camping in the wild like I did when I was traveling south for the winter back in the 1940's.


I wonder how many gallons of gas it takes to fill that RV's tank.


Lazy bums! ;snicker;


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No Snow yet!


12 hour early warning system shows Rain. Must have been caused by me filling the room full of sobs and tears while watching the movie, "The Polar Express" last night.


(BE PREPARED: Have Kleenex, handkerchiefs, and crying towels handy when watching, "The Polar Express". Watch the 3D version if you can".)


Reset weather station; just to make sure it was getting the correct readings.


Rain predicted by home Weather Station to turn to heavy rainfall in 24 hours. If all goes as forecast white geometrically different, not one identical one, snowflakes should be falling by Tuesday.


Definitely a very really true WIN.

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