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MoBo with the upgraded CPU is all that is needed. I have a three foot tall Tower which is housing my old GA-Z68A-D3H-B3 with a Intel i7 family 3.2 GHz Quad-Core CPU which is a ok, but the new Intel CPU in the Dell quad core CPU is a newer generation and will really give the system the upgrade to the Recommended Zone.


For the present games which are not VR 3D compatible yet, well, the GTX 1080 is Sooo Super Charged it doesn't limp, doesn't slow, and it's GPU plus it's own RAM gives it all the added power to the video system that the MoBo CPU doesn't have to share. It's not a Pascal Nvidia, but I don't plan on opening a VR Movie Theater; or to start a shop selling commercial VR art for advertising soon to compete with any of the big businesses.


I'm just a humble gamer with a desire to be able to reason, one day, with sensor enhanced equipment so I can get my whole body into feeling like I am in the game. Die! No Not THAT! I would rather Respawn QUICKLY! :woot:


I don't want to feel deaths grip upon me when I get my character KILLED.


I don't want to feel it so much so as it was suggested in the Movie 'Brainstorm (1983)' did to that fellow scientist before he ripped the head gear off because his fellow scientist female partner girlfriend left him a replay of her heart attack. No sir!


I am just keeping busy until Star Trek: TNG Holodeck becomes a reality so I can play the leading role in one of my favorite books and walk out, of the sweat enhanced adventure, alive afterward. :happy:

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With my amd rig, things are smooth, which people have been reporting choppy fps. bad setup or they are doing something wrong. Mines super cooled with a i80 corsair cooler, sounds like a jet engine taking off, but it works.

I have a old antec 1200 gaming case, the led don't work anymore.

Edited by niphilim222
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I see a bit of light powder on the window of the truck outside. Where I am may be outside the path of where your storm is brewing. I going to NOAA.com and look to see what tools I will need for later.


Wow! NOAA has change their website. I'm going to have to learn how to use it all over again. I'm going to try just searching for blizzards happening now and see if where I am is in the path of any.


Storm warnings in Montana 8:00 PM MST until tomorrow; 300 miles northwest.

8:06 PM MST now.


Stay warm.

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I've got to go back to look at that again. It's... I've definitely been playing Skyrim for a long time, because the weather flow chart where the clouds bearing all the snowing weather clouds from the US to Onterio London looks like a dragon spewing out frost and snow from it's mouth gaping open around the lake.


I've definitely been playing Skyrim and battle dragons a lot.


I know it isn't, but the green colors, the blues, and yellows, are making a really awesome picture which with a little art work would look just like a dragon.

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