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Accuweather referred to the US and it may be having a cold snap today and Sunday. :ohmy: Temperature drops suddenly in a cold snap. :down:


My in house heating system hasn't had any sudden change in the time between running and shutting down so the cycles are more frequent. :geek: So... no cold snap yet! :ermm:


My house heating system sounds like a jet engine warming up and then a loud wind through a canyon while it is running.

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After finishing construction on a small house I decided it was time to go get all the food supplies and gear. When I got to the old riverside shack where a bear had previously been hibernating inside it was very late in the morning. My girlfriend and I stayed the night with plans to travel to the new house in the morning.


I looked at the sky to find out what time it was by locating the star. The clouds nearly made it impossible to see. Then I remembered I don't have any idea where that star would be in the night skies. Because Skyrim's night skies aren't navigatible as far as I have seen. The two moons looked nice, but their alignment doesn't help me determine the clock time.


I turned away from the computer monitor and looked at the RL clock. It was 4:00 AM! I'd played all night and right into the wee hours of the morning in real life. :woot:


Oh! And... No new snow, but it's about 25 degrees F. outside at 11:59 AM MST Sunday December 17, 2016.

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I now own my version of the Lakeview Manor I got from the Jarl in Falkreath in Skyrim: Special Edition. The Skyrim S. E. just got another upgrade loaded to the game at 10:30 PM MST, this Sunday evening. December 18, 2016


Twenty+ Mods I had subscribed to at STEAM are all gone. The link to them for Skyrim GoTY is missing. I had no idea there were so many people who I had subscribed to that were angry and pulled their mods back when the Big To Do about selling mods at STEAM caused such an uproar.


I can still see all of the titles in the pop up list that tells us "The mods are missing; so, many items included are no longer available". It removed my favorite female companion.


I keeping Skyrim S. E. modless for now.


And now... it's 24 degrees F. with 53% humidity outside. With that high of humidity more Snow may be arriving as soon as the temperature in the plains gets to 37 degrees. Unless the winds that were trying to tear more pieces of roofing off the house changes to a Chinook in the morning, when it starts again, there may be more snow tomorrow.



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You have to log into Bethesda.net for the mods there, but you can use both Skyrim 32bit mods, or 64bit skyrim. Depends if it requires skse, most mods do for skyrim, believe it or not.


Thats why i get my mods heree on the nexus, also use the Nexus mod manager for skyrim.


Also SEPTIM at the end of the tutorial shows some interesting results.



Edited by niphilim222
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The mods I can no longer get are gone. The owners apparently removed them to avoid theft back when STEAM was planning to sell mods. (If you don't know what I am talking about look in the forums.nexusmods and you can see a long crying list of Angry Modders from here who were also providing mods in the STEAM Workshop.)


I start with SKSE and it has been set up on my STEAM/PC since Skyrim GoTY 32 bit version Construction Kit was released for the game.


All the subscribed list of mods are gone that show up when I use Skyrim 32 bit GoTY to play.


I have decided to play the Skyrim: Special Edition 64bit without mods until they stop patching the game. When I quit the game at 12:00 AM MST the Skyrim: S. E. showed it was being patched some more.


Can't play it when it is being patched so I am going to do something else.


I found out I can install the GTX 1080 into the Dell 8900. I'll have to put the old GTX 970 back into the gaming machine. Just means STEAM won't have a link in the new PC set up and no games are installed on the Dell 8900 yet.


Since Microsoft Windows 10 software is ready for their Hololens glasses * they are selling them to all developers and anyone with $3000.00 in their pocket. Anyone can buy 1 to 5 of them now. It won't be long before developers have made video games for HoloLens glasses.




Can you believe it? It's already December 19, 2016 and I am wondering what gift to get for the most important person in my life still.

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