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It seems so strange to have the same heart throbbing blood pumping feeling when a particular woman walks by. What's even stranger is that after we started dating I could swear every girl I looked at had her face and smile. What's even stranger. When I see another girl who resembles her, who isn't her, and I start getting that heart throbbing blood pumping feeling I want to run away and get back home to her.


Is Love >= fright?

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I had to buy a new USB cable because I dropped my phone while the old one was plugged in and it pulled the end out.


The new one BARELY charged my phone (I actually got notifications about slow charging and occasionally that it wasn't charging), wouldn't transfer files from my phone to PC, wouldn't charge my Dualshock 4, and also wouldn't connect my drawing tablet. I barely needed to transfer stuff from my phone, and I'm not on my PS4 all that often so those weren't a big issue. As long as I didn't touch my phone it would charge, but the tablet issue was too much.

Went out and bought a cable specifically made for DS4 controllers since that's what my old one was and it worked great. Freaking $25 just to get a working USB. That first one that didn't work was $15...

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