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I got my money back on the vacuum cleaner I bought because it did not have any tools to clean the sweeper brush, it needed two connections to Wi-Fi instead of just a phone with Wi-Fi for it's app.


The app would not open unless the router/modem was connected to the Wi-Fi. Since I could not set up the app without a 2nd Wi-Fi besides the phone, and control it I couldn't get it do to do anything, but one sweep around the room, and sometimes it quit before it finished doing that.


Really not a good NEATO considering the brush bar got clogged in one sweep, I had to empty the bin twice. Pull lint and dust out from the brush bar space and even out of the tube that goes to the bin before it could complete another round in the room.


It cleaned really good. But it was useless with the brush bar full of long hair wrapped around it. It had no visible way to pull the brush bar out without taking out some screws.


I took it back.


:sad: I WIN! :laugh:

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HA HA the amd 8350 is bottlenecking my gtx1060, its only using 75% of its maximum usage, sense the 16x pcie 2x not 3 the way it should be.

I am very excited to get that push to 100% usage when i get that Ryzen chip.

Edited by niphilim222
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It was a bum deal. Not even easy to work with.

Soon home vacuums will do the walls, and ceilings. Industrial vacuums actually are robot vacuum wall and ceiling crawlers. They use sonar or radar to reason with distances, and also record the all the space they clean after the first run time, they do the job and remember the floor space next time.


I got lucky pressing the on button to get it to clean the floor once. The manual that came with it, only has instructions in the manual to turn off the machine completely and then set up the Wi-Fi. My phones Wi-Fi wasn't enough. It wanted an online Wi-Fi too.


Took me five minutes tops to clean out and ready an iRobot Roomba 560. I could not take the NEATO vacuum apart to get at the brush bar. I had to hook and pinch with my fingers to get at the stuff wrapped around the brush bar while it was still inside the case.

It got loaded worse after two sweeps around the carpet. It came with no available instructions on how to control it without the app on the phone connected to another Wi-Fi.


Unless it is signed on over a Wi-Fi ISP service it would not let me activate the mobile phone App and see what I could do for controlling it.


I went back to iRobot Roomba and I bought an iRobot Roomba 860 that replaced the 560 that died. I might have to clean a strip along the carpets, but the wood floors it sweeps out the stuff from the walls kick boards, but I would rather have to clean the carpeted hall once month to get those tiny bits that the side sweeper on the iRobot misses then fight with that other model.

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Taking cold baths in the shower stall keeps me from becoming randy.


And, yay!



Who's randy and why don't you want to be him?



I would like to assure you that taking a cold bath after seeing any extremely sexy female, imo, that gets me really horny helps me save 2 million, or more, little seeds lives that don't deserve to die young. :sad: I prefer saving my male factory dispensable items for the real deal. :laugh:



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