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The last poster wins


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And the count down begins.


Are the present's still unknown, secret, and waiting for the party so the party boy may Rip off the paper and be SURPRISED?


After the birthday boy makes a wish, blows out a GigaBytes worth of Candles, the presents will be next.


One by one as each present is handed to the birthday boy, everyone will be holding their breath to find out if the birthday boy got better then he expected.


Will he be happily surprised?

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My life in a song:


"If the devil danced in empty pockets, he'd have a ball in mine.


With a nine foot grand, a ten piece band and a twelve girl chorus line".....Joe Diffy


At least I can be a winner here.

Edited by M48A5
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Ah! I won the first race of my life the day I was conceived.


I think it might have been the hardest race I ever won. I'm glad my Father was able to create a really fast and good swimmer.


Just the fact we all are alive proves we won that incredible race. Our bodies are the trophy we earned.


Use it wisely.


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