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I could be in a group that is sponsored by the government to find out what some new drug they are making that hasn't been sanctioned by the FDA yet, will do so they can decide if they will market it for the elderly. The elderly in my case would be the people of the 1950s generation who were famous for taking LSD, THC, Peyote, Silicybin, and smoked pot at clubs and parties.


And I think the U. S. Veterans Administration still is hiring people without a license to practice on innocent veterans who are there for just physical therapy. The dental, the psychology department, and others all have practicing student's, of all ages, who don't have a degree in the area of their studies yet. While they may have held rank in the Boys or Girl Scouts which was automatically transferred to a rank in the military if they were so inclined to get drafted or, like one fool I know, enlisted. So if they had the Boy Scout rank of a Frank Burns in bible study like him he got to be a major M. A. S. H. while the Girl Scout rank equivalent to a major like Hot Lips Hoolighan, you can bet they weren't practicing with a license that was anything more than that honorary degree some guy got for being such a good actor and the president decided he would make a good leader in the very special rank...um...was that the FBI chief.


I don't know if I want to be a guinea pig so the government can whip up a cocktail pill for a bunch of old H.I.P.P.I.E.s that protested against the government draft board to avoid getting drafted to go to Vietnam in the years 1950 to 1965.


I remember asking a guy who was drafted and ended up getting stationed in Germany what he thought about the Vietnam War that started on January 31st, 1968. He said, there was no war there. The Tet Offensive was called a War Jan 31st. It's just that the President of the US at the time would not retaliate and Declare War.


So the H.I.P.P.I.E.s from the era will just have to find someone else to watch and learn how the effects of LSD and THC combined effect some other draftees that could not avoid the draft so those 72 year old H.I.P.P.I.E.s can get a healthy Hi i hi gh a high!



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