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The last poster wins


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The sleepy little town of The Last Poster Wins has again lost a member to the dust. Their ghost braved the winds of time as long as their bones prevailed, they could, but the shelter they took was stripped away by another eager archaeologist seeking ancient wares, family bones, and tomes of history buried in vaults where people tried to save them Books, pictures, movies, and what have you; all buried deep in the Earth's dirt, even in steel shelters which give way to those who hunger for Fame and Glory.


Archaeologist's Rock!



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Did you know that the Portuguese word for a grapefruit sounds like, "Pimple moose"?


Can you imagine a Moose with pimples on their nose while you think of grapefruit?


I'll bet you will never forget, forever, what to say if you ever want to get some grapefruit with your meal in a Portuguese dining place where they only speak Portuguese ever.

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I can tell you have been places, its nice to travel when you are able to. Work gets in my way alll the time!!!

I'm curious. Where you live in the big CA is it customary for people you know to only study a language if they are going to travel?


Just because I wrote about the article with the funny way to remember another language, which by the way, I can't forget now; I learned it back some time around 1974.


Clear the fog for me.


Which one of these statements is true? :unsure:


You work for yourself in a glue factory and you're stuck there all day.


You're one of the guys who makes toys in Santa's workshop and even your day off is a work holiday.


You're in charge of a warehouse and you're the only person who knows where everything is.


You're an accountant and you don't trust anyone else to do the books.


You're mother is the owner and she's trying to find the perfect girl to replace her so you will never leave home.


You are one of the people who lost your soul in a game of eightball pool.


You can afford a two week vacation if you sell your soul, maybe to a constituent of Satan, whose true name isn't known. But if you think of Evil you always think of Devo.


Once upon time you wished upon a star, you asked for a twelve in prick, and now every time you try to go a vacation a guy only 12 inches tall starts breaking everything in sight so you have to stay there to keep that little prick from destroying your life.


You're living life in a movie that is played once a year for everyone at Xmas time, but for you it is real life, "It's a Wonderful Life." You're the home loan agency owner whose friend is an angel trying to get his wings.


You've got a wife, both her and your grandparents live in, you have a house like a shoe and so many children you don't know what to do.


If I'm even close let me know.


I know, I know. You're a travel agent and you know all the brochures by heart, but you don't have the heart to break anyone's heart and travel to anywhere but back to your house in the Heartlands.


Okay. Do you want to tell me what kind of business it is work for where you have no week or two week vacation to anywhere?


Or is it your business isn't a business you can talk about with strangers like me, but you don't mind testing to see if what you write will get you a sale?

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