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Christmas is on the way, so i win. Toys for Children or grown ups like me... Pass me a gtx1080 and we could be best friends. :teehee:





No bones about it, "The old NVIDIA GTX 1080 is a good Old Video Card." :wub: If Santa has any it would be in the old toys room collecting dust. Everywhere I have looked there aren't any, not one even, collecting dust. :no:




I win!

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Toys I went to a Early Christmas party at my uncles place the other day. 20$ or less, but he asked me what i want for under 20$.. I said i wanted a upscaler for my older electronics. I doubted him for finding one under 20$. Psshh so he did the unthinkable, he did some research and he gave me this little joyful little gadget.


it does a very good job to




Example of the quality



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You haven't been taking 10 cents 10 % of every dollar you made each pay day and deposited it into a savings account all the years of your earning life...have you?


DGX-1 is waiting for you to help it deep learn with it's Deep Learning from all the computers with GeForce GTX 1080 and TI by getting one from the Online Store and installing it in your HDMI enhancing device.



I win!

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I knew someone who claimed to want to be somebody when they grew up. They didn't know what somebody they wanted to be. They grew up and haven't become somebody that anyone wanted to hang around with. I knew that they knew their life was a waste of time, between meals. All they did was a waste of time while waiting for their next meal.


It was really tough for them to find things to do while wasting time after all the chores they did were done; chores that got nothing but sore muscles and tired out bodies.


Hey! They became an actor. Now they are somebody different every time they finish one job in the movie making business and start another. They still don't know which somebody they want to be. I am sure though, that when they have acted like all the somebodies that have existed they will find somebody they want to be.


Or they will discover that all the time they were visiting me, that I listened to them talking about what somebody they were pretending to be, we were playing and they could have just stayed put and played along until our next meal.


I win!

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