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The last poster wins


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I went on an adventure in ESO: MORROWIND. They are having a Festive Event.

I was having a great time. The group even had an old mud ball thing. I was getting into it when my character was struck by a lightning spell several times in the back. I turned to see who the culprit was. A totally strange new character was using his staff of magic to shoot the spells at me over and over. Another players character walked right up to his and shot a spell at that attacker.


(Might have been a female using a male character image. I did not see a chat note saying, "Hey! It's me Pagafyr" I did not see any because I was trying to go with the idea of playing the game. If I spent allot of time reading the chat board I would have seen dozens of quick flashes of chat passing in review... I did not get a chat note sent to me directly. I did not get a duel challenge. My character just got shot over and over by the attacker. I saw that the characters game identity was off as the body lay on the ground too. There Real identity and/or if the person behind the character was a Male or female was suddenly unfathomable.)




I turned to go to the next festive event. The male character shot me in the back again. I sent my character toward the character. The guy whose character shot him stood next to him. I walked up my character up face to face with the one shooting my character. I was still feeling the fun of the Festive event's. Figured if I returned fire he would laugh and we'd be buddies. Instead he fired back again. I was about going to go away again and he fired again.



He did the strangest thing. He turned off the re-spawn function so his video game character's body could not be restored to life with a soul gem.


I felt lucky he was the only one with such an attitude in the game. All the rest of us pelted each other with the stuff we were given to make it a Fun Festive time.


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