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The last poster wins


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It's time to stop guys, just go away


Yeah! :tongue: All people posting here and there and every where. No gender specifics please. You know; gender specifics like: guys or girls, boys or ladies, lawyers, officers of the law branches, kings, queens, czars, emperors, leaders, preachers, popes, mob dons or donesses, panderers, pimps, madams, prostitutes or gigolos, lesbians, homosexuals, or transgenders.


You could have said, just to be nice so you got everyone's attention without being biased and seem mean, so people that might post here with our human differences of body and choices of life style in mind of one group or another don't get offended, instead all and anyone might,


You could have said, "Everyone, and anyone, that posts here. Frequently, infrequently, and occasionally, JUST GO AWAY!"


To which I respond kindly. "If we stop someone else will step up to the thread sooner or later and post here." :geek:


Finally I would write to give the theme a ban hammer feeling... AND DON'T COME BACK! :thumbsup:

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The Wastelands, the final frontier... these are the stories of the Wasteland Wanderer, on a five year mission to eliminate evilness across the Capital Wasteland, to explore and discover strange new civilisations, to come in peace then shoot to kill, to boldly go where no wastie has gone before.... :pirate: :nuke:

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