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The last poster wins


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When this thread was started another forums thread had earned a title in the Guinness Book of Records. That gave a number of the first posters in this thread a desire to seek a record for the Guinness Book of Records.


Many members joined in the task. Some, including Thor, started calling all the people here to post too.


There was a problem. Although the website had a membership large enough to achieve the goal the idea of making a new Guinness Book of Records didn't gain the attention of many members.


Membership kept growing. Although attention was expanded by us few stragglers we dwindled in numbers.


Thor and I played on, (I realize I wrote allot without stopping. I edited it and moved it to < https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/2043014-from-day-dreams-of-a-spaced-out-old-man-comes/?p=56855606 >)

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