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Making a plan and making a list of things to do. Slowly I move, inch by inch I turn. I feel excited and shake the Winter mind to stir it into Springs call. New nerves stimulate more muscles, focusing on the fires the Spring will bring in my ever awakening mind.


The root of mental functions all working. Check.


The nerves to the least used body parts receiving stimulation. Check.


The body stretch. Check.


The ab's lift and jiggle. Check.


Joints filled, heart pumping, pushing up out of the bed. Check.


Adjusting equilibrium to roll out of bed and stand. Check.


On my feet. Check.


Monitoring head channels alerting the inner flow. Check.


Fluids? Drink enough water to fill the tank. Check.


Get out of stupor to go back to bed. Check.


Do two deep knee bends. Check.


Stroll to the in house water fall. Check.


Turn the knob. Check.


Get sprayed all over the body with cold water. Check.


Awake? Awake?


Turn off water. Check.


Wipe body dry with a towel. Check.


Access clean laundry shelf. Check.


Get clean under clothes. Check.


Put on clean under clothes. Check


Get work shirt, shop canvas trousers, and heavy work shoes on over under clothes. Check.


Walk out of dressing area. Check.


Walk to the staircase. Check.


Walk and climb the stairs. Check.


Turn to the hall entrance to the kitchen. Check.


Walk into the kitchen. Check.


Walk to the counter with the Espresso' grinder machine on it. Check.


Grind fresh beans to grounds for Espresso'. Check.


Take the container filled with two tablespoons of fresh ground coffee out of the grinder. Check.


Walk to the counter with the Espresso' machine on it. Check.


Twist the ladle out of the holder on the Espresso' machine to remove old coffee grounds. Check.


Turn the knob that turns on the Espresso' machine heating coil. Check.


Pick up ladle. Check.


Walk to the indoor waste basket lined with scented plastic. Check.


Put right shoes toe down on indoor waste basket lift knob. Check.


Tip Espresso' ladle and dump old Espresso' grounds into indoor waste basket. Check.


Raise right foots shoe off the indoor waste baskets level knob. Check.


Turn toward kitchen sink. Check.


Reach out with right hand extending arm to full length. Check.


Use right hand to lift handle on the cold water faucet. Check.


Move ladle from the left hand to the right hand. Check.


Move right hand with ladle to the water flow. Check.


Rinse out ladles last bits of Espresso' old grounds. Check.


Move right hand back. Check.


Return ladle to the left hand. Check.


Move right hand and fully extend arm. Check.


With right hand push down on the cold water lever. Check.


Pull back right arm and hand. Check.


Turn to the left. Check.


Walk to the counter with the Espresso' machine on it. Check.


Set ladle down on counter. Check.


Pick up the ground coffee bean container. Check.


Fill the Espresso' ladle with fresh ground coffee. Check.


Move the emptied container back. Check.


Set emptied container on the counter. Check.


Move the right hand forward with the arm. Check.


Pick up the ladle. Check.


Move the ladle to the Espresso' machine. Check.


Align the ladle tabs to the Espresso' machine holder. Check.


Insert ladle into the Espresso' machine holder. Check.


Turn ladle by the handle counter clockwise. Check.


Place Espresso' cup under the spouts of the ladle. Check.


Reach up and turn the dial to pump. Check.


Wait for hot water to pass through the Espresso' ladle. Check.


Wait until two ounces of fresh brewed Espresso' is in the cup. Check.


Turn the knob on the Espresso' machine to the off position. Check.


Move right hand down. Check.


Firmly grasp Espresso' cup with thumb and two fingers. Check.


Pull Espresso' cup back out of Espresso' machine tray. Check.


Lift up Espresso' cup. Check.


Hold Espresso' cup close to mouth. Check.


Inhale fumes from Espresso'. Check.


Move Espresso' cup to mouth. Check.


Open mouth lips slightly. Check.


Sip. Check.


Enjoy being alive. Check!

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Fallout 3 works fine in Windows 10 now.
I installed the game without adding any DLCs or other mods, I played. Then I saved the game inside the cave at the exit of the vault. I quit the game. Just to be on the safe side I ran the GFWL software so the LIVE function was activated.
After that I ran the Games for Windows Live Disabler found here at Nexusmods.
Then too I fired up the FOMM.
I moved the backed up Data folders contents, I saved from 2012, into the Data new folder. All the DLCs that I moved out of the dark and mysterious place in Windows System folders, where they were hidden, were included.
I launched FOMM from the GeMM folder it was in.
I checked all the Mods and then left (LMB) clicked, on, Launch with FOSE.
FOMM reported that I needed the latest patch for Fallout when I left clicked on launch with FOSE. I surfed to Bethesda and got the 1.7 patch. After I installed the patch the game started crashing all over again.
That is; until I decided to remove the check mark next to ArchiveInvalidation in the Tools menu of FOMM.


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I found some gear in a hollowed out rock someone stashed outside Megaton in Fallout 3. I discovered it is part of the main game. So it was a chance discovery at the very start of the main game. Little surprises like that make the game even more interesting.


When I discovered it I had fought with several Molerats outside Megatons walls. I survived the last ones attack and was standing next to the big rock. I turned and faced it. A message popped up that it was a hollowed out rock. It is by some small dead tree trunks.


I was pleased again when I sent my ingame character to search for food and medicine at the Super Duper Mart. There were different characters out by the entry doors. The game randomly sets up different characters so the game isn't completely the same every time I play it.


As my character approached the Super Duper Mart parking lot there were two hunters hunting giant ants there.


I like that Fallout 3 is filled with random occurrences that don't happen repeatedly in the event your character dies and you have to restart the game from a save.


Sometimes the random encounter with people roaming the DC Wasteland can be helpful accomplishing a quest. Other times, if you have to respawn and reload from a save you may not see the same characters again and have to figure out a quest through different methods. That makes the game more interesting, more lasting, and if you like solving the quests, more fun.


Something different this way comes.


I might change my habit in the morning today and put on a suit and tie outfit. Just because I like dressing fancy, or, because I don't have a chore I may need tougher clothes for the work, like blue jeans.


Fallout 3 is the kind of game I find amuses me because it does offer change, and not just in the way we dress.



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This is my final build that i am getting this month coming up, I'm giving my old 8350 rig to my brother, but keeping the video card. She runs like new though with that new heatsink.









And windows 10 home, don't need pro.



Edited by niphilim222
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