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The last poster wins


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I can only say that it has been a fine day. I got several things done.


I reviewed the play that Bill Shakes his own spear wrote, "The Merchant of Venice".


Such a marvelous time when the way to make it as a merchant entailed earning our way out of the vineyards of a great Patriarch.


Hands sore from picking grapes all day, and earning a bundle of coins to pay use after the days work for shelter, food, and folly.


The only way better to get out of the vineyard work was too earn enough coins to pay a ship master to sail to the far east and procure a bundle of some stock that would earn the purchaser the status symbol of merchant and making a profit selling the stock that the ship master brought back from the far east.


In those days it was a great risk because when the great waves troubled a ship the storms might cause the ship and crew and stock to get lost at sea. Or maybe pirates might capture the ship and take the loot. Thus taking away all the hopes of a hopeful, soon to be, merchant. Losing all because all was lost that was on board the ship hurt severely.


Either way the real life practice was a fair way to begin as a merchant. While some lost, a few were success stories. It never was said with more importance back then, then is was, "Never a lender or borrower be".


The losers were doubled and troubled if they borrowed the money from a lender because the lender lost too.


But... if one such borrowers ship came in on the day expected a Winner was soon to become a Merchant. The lender and the new Merchant had a profitable year.


Too bad for some, that the ways of old can never be, because the cost of such adventures is greater than a city full of grape vine harvesters could afford in a lifetime.


Oh! Wait! That's not entirely true. For some of the smartest people who became merchants did so when they began to be aged well, like a fine wine, and were smarter for their years of experience.


Back then young merchants from the grape vine harvesters were few and far between compared to the elderly ones who had made it while picking grapes so that their young could have a better life. The elders sat home in their luxurious apartments.


While their young were out selling the goods from another successful ship coming in for the real Merchants of Venice. The real merchants of Venice were, Guess who?



The former vineyard grape harvesters who were their parents.



If all else fails a vineyard grape harvester they still have a job picking grapes.


Never a borrower or lender be.



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Here's my awesome stable papyrus


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Ah! I have received a feeling of being refreshed. The pings of freezing pain have passed that made it so I could cool a cup of warm tea held with my cold hands.


Ah though the pained was wiped away it is replaced with soreness from the clearing out of old debris. No... I make no effort while the soreness plays upon my mind. I seek to rest.


What a day!


Now I will be ready to play my part when acting in the midsummers night's dream.


And it is snowing outside.

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