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The last poster wins


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I made the grade myself, I made the time to win myself, and I made me...



... Wait? What? Oh? One moment please. What's that? You don't say?!


I like to make an announcement. Something new, that is very old information, has just been brought to the table. If you are determined to learn the news... Before you open the next envelope take a deep breath. Breath out and relax. This is for deep thinking philosophers only:

I was made in a womb so that I didn't make me, myself, and I; I just got made in the image of my Father. My parents were made that way too??? Someone... a total unknown... likely did not make them self either... may think they won.

Hm? So, what exactly is it that I, myself, and me could have actually made?


What a predicament?!










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I am just about finished with a story I heard my Mom read to my little sister when I was 10. I always wondered how it ended. I had to go to my own room before she was finished because I had to get up early in the morning to go to school.


I thought it was a short story. I've been reading since 6:00 PM MST and I'm only half way through. And I speed read!


Since it's a video game now, I'm sure it is a lot more interesting then it was as a children's book that only was 20 pages at most.


I figure it is a way to ease into reading romance stuff. So... I'm finding out if I like romance stories. I figured I probably should start with easy reading and not too adult orientated stuff at first.


Grim really grim is what it seems to be most of the way. Of course learning to sort through items and organize adds a little fun to it, but it's really not much different then a day at the shop piecing together a car from a heap of scraps and parts.


Poor couple that fell in love whose parents were very set against it. Grim.


The magical effects make it a little less boring. You know a curse she makes not knowing that someone with real magical powers could perform the curse. She didn't even know the man she loved was hanging around outside every day after that. Because in her anger she got him turned into a bear.


As far as his rich parents were concerned the whole thing was only going to cause them all to die horribly if they stayed in their old home. After two deaths because of the bear they all packed up and moved away. Leaving the girl friend no knowledge that they had lied about him not caring about her and such.


She was banished as a witch when the towns folk saw the man suddenly changing into a bear. They could not believe their eyes though and instead said that a bear attacked him and tore him to pieces and all that was left when the bear was done with the Lord was his clothes.


She of course happened to see, and realizes, the curse she made up in her anger really was happening. Since everyone in the town knew she was having an affair with the rich families son they cast her out. Drove the witch out of town.


I'm to the part where after 10 long years she finally realizes the bear is her boyfriend. She put out bear traps all around her wilderness shack to keep the bear that was snooping around during the day away... you know... visiting his sweetheart, traps to keep the bear away. She only found out because a young girls wedding was interrupted by the bear. Kidnapped the bride. And everyone in the village was hunting it and searching for the young woman.


The sister of the young gal caught up with the bear and discovered it wasn't dangerous. Before she could say anything to the crowd. They were all on a high wall at an old castle. Her sisters future husband shot the bear with a crossbow and tried to kill her too.


That all happened only moments after she found where the bear took her sister. In cover she was spying in on the scene she saw the bear was making her sister comfortable. She was preparing to help her sister escape from the bear when she discovered the bear was protecting her sister.


After the fiance shot the bear with a bolt from a crossbow it appeared the bear was done for. At that moment the sister, of the bride to be, saw through the man her sister was about to marry. She was only knocked unconscious by some lumber from old scaffolding in the castle. When she regained consciousness she saved the bears life.


The bear had a medallion on his neck. The bear gave it to her. She took it to show to the witch who was also a healer. The witch was shocked to see the other half of the medallion that she knew was her boy friends half of their shared medallion parts.


And it gets better.


I've got to win and run.


I really would like to stay and write more. I feel like I have to hurry and get back to the video game version or the evil dude will get away with his Evil Plot.


Wow! Girls bed time stories sure are lots more exciting than I thought they would be.


Oh! What?! You don't mind if I review it some more. Okay!


I mean... from the beginning of the story to almost to the half way point I thought the forsaken bride was dead. No! She's been living in the wilderness getting visited daily by her love sick boyfriend and she didn't even know it was him. All that fur, big body, with huge paws, claws, and big teeth.


While she's keeping him alive after the girl made a salve to stop the bleeding I'm getting ready to go back and see just how bad the sister of the bride kicks ass when she catches that evil dude to save her twin sister from his evil plot.

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