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The last poster wins


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The real news says that the Weather in my area may bring some light snow today. In the last four years the area where I live has been seeing cold weather in December. In December 2014 for about a week the first of before Xmas, 10 days the second of the 4 years, a whole month of snow that got to be about a foot deep after sweeping a few inches off the sidewalk a couple of days in a row then a week of warm weather and snow occasioning the area to cause the road clearing team to get out of the hibernation and the old snow plows out.


December, January, February, and now we're into March 2018. Almost 4 (FOUR) months of snow without a complete Global effect to bring back the dry drought that has been plaguing Montana for 20 years. Not one day of warm air lasted long enough to melt away all the snow in my yard in the last three months.


A week or so ago the East Glacier area received 3 to 5 feet of snow so the people living near there in Montana cities; Heart Butte, Browning could not get their homes doors open so they could get out of their houses, because some of them were blocked by all the snow.


Then there is today's report with a light snow which will add to the cold snow filled months since the first part of December 2017.


I've just finished writing a bunch of gobbledygook that started out like an emergency News report Blasting President Trump for saying that there are no global warming problems.


I added to the sci-fiction theme his own home while residing in the Trump tower disappears under waters flooding in from the ocean. I was getting into his special team to save all his family and him from the tower in the event the oceans did such a thing. As describe in an old U. S. A. 1st Peoples story about the Earth being a Great Turtle and one day it will flip.


The Science fiction I was writing the story about using President Trump's Trump Tower got so full of gobbledygook I stopped writing and SCORED another Win.


After Famous Trump towers top disappears under the Ocean's sudden rise to swallow up the coast my thoughts started looking for a boat to bail the water out of and get my story idea floating again.

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