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The last poster wins


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Most programs that fake human interaction are only annoyingly infective and do stress the human. even the Rolce-Royce under the robot systems from the Sirius Corporation has annoying habits. To all that another example.


Oh and i think I win in curing from the robot virus Keanumoreira affected, cause the alternative  would be to deactivate him completely.

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Sufficent damage detected, virus deleted...Source of destruction labeled as...key name "SilverDNA"...Robot alliance not feasible, robot circuitry fried, A.I inactive...Searching for alternative matters...Conclusion equals NONE...KeanuMoreira wins by overwelming standards key named by "Default"...Happy Face. :happy:
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OK  Keanumoreira if you want to be a machine the you shall be treated like one mean big over gunned Battledroid.

"Marvin, Stop him!"


I win


Evil twin reconized...Trap has succeeded...SilverDNA tricked...Converting Marvin...Conversion completed...Win secured...Ha...Ha...Ha...Ha...foolsih human you have failed this round...Ha...Ha...Ha...Happy Face. :happy:



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