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easy as pizza (pie)

I got lucky, AGAIN!

I admire the two,

the one that is bad

and the one that is good


So you're the ugly?



That depends on which me gets fed the most on any given day. I might accidentally on purpose get tricked into feeding the Good me more on one day. (I think some of my bad me is rubbing off on my good me.) Muah wa a ha ha haaa.


So you're the handsome hero, aa, Today? :D Did you have a coffee using a French coffee press today?


I'm not a handsome hero and I use an already ground coffee. And it seems like I know Arch Stanton better than you do.



When I was four years, eleven months, and one day old I got grounded for kissing the four and a half year old girl next door. While down in the dungeon recreation room with books and stuff, all alone. Mom told me not to play her 78 rpm records. My first favorite song I found in my Mom's old 78 RPM record collection was titled, We have no banana's today Remember I wasn't five yet! :mellow:


I have been grounded for life twice, because I tried to get to know that girl better only minutes after we kissed in plain view out in the back yard. The music you mention, all of Archies songs sound like, like people singing my words aloud, begging someone higher up above me while me crying from down stairs, begging for someone to; " let me out of detention! "


Since my Mom died before I could remember why I still was crying a lot, when I stopped and suck in enough air to start over Dad asked me why I was always making such a fuss. I told him before I bawled again. He granted me a Pardon before I turned 6 ty 9. :laugh: Now that my mind is clearing, I miss her so, I am tearing for if I had been able to reach the window from down in the basement and climb out, I might have had a life with a memory I would always treasure.


I might have had, even though I would have been grounded for another life sentence again carrying me to the end of my life, a smile on my face. :D :laugh:

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Cheese whiz, fried miniature beef sausage bits, bacon bits, chopped chives, miniature white mushrooms, miracle whip, blended beef steak tomato, beer, all steamed in a fondue bowl until warm enough for dipping Broccoli with Fondue spears. mm!

Ah! With a side of deep fried potato wedges salted to dip in some ketchup.

Put on a movie, Action and Adventure.


Sit back, spear a head of Broccoli, tip and drive it into the dip. Slowly raise it, turning the Broccoli to get the dip to wrap around and slowly soak in. Breath in the aroma closing in on the target. Open wide, be prepared tongue and teeth, time for a savory thrill.

Chew slowly, enjoying the flavors. Swallow and then; wash it down with a sip from a glass pint of Ice cold beer.

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Gaming actually with Skyrim se. Skyrim and games are running silky smooth yo. Almost spooky if you ask me, that low latency mode sure made it easier to game. I mean creepy, not to mention epic fast load times.


Also listening to The Sirusxm Turbo channel all day long. Yup sirusxm kicks some real awesome. Also alot of the stuff is unsencored aand then some. Thats just how siriusxm is.

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If you don't remember the words

from not long ago,

then what I have learned

may shake the ground beneath your feet

when I tell you what I now know.

Seems that I cause a fright, the bad me any way.

But that did not matter until one night

when the two of us were at play.

The good me was winning!

Oh! Sure!

My good self is the quiet type! :wink:

And I my self am not.

And that is what appears

to have have gotten some foes

in passing group,

their party's,

while they were passing by,


While my bad self was

harassing my good self.

The game was a foot.

Sherlock was closing in on my tale.

My good self playing the part

and giving it all his heart.

The strangers interrupted me,

while investigating,

some insects giving me answers,

and vital clues.

While I was mostly my good self,

and me bad self lingered in waiting.

For his turn to play.

They interrupted the ants,

some flies true to the game too

Flung themself at the foes,

to try to chase them off

before they ruined our fun.

The passing foes

made an awful sound.

Even the birds above

in the branches agree.

Grunting like a hog, they said.

Interfering with our friendly game of play.

The foes started suggesting ideas,

which collectively,

in their opinion are signs of

what Insane people do.

Since they made us stop,

and Sherlock was our

host at the moment,

Both of us conscious

of their presence.

Causing good me and bad me almost lose our focus.

We turned on their attack,

and gave thoughts back,

while facing them,

they gave us wrinkled and weird faces

to look upon.

Then the bad me whispered,

so they barely heard a word,

then in good me fashion I said,

to the worried,

frightened, faces among the onlooking party of


Bad coppers, a bad preacher, a couple of bad school teachers the lot.

You're absolutely correct! So, stop acting insane!"

The crazy looks,

on their bunch,

including a couple of clowns,

of another party,

gathering around,

that interrupted my fun

me good, and me bad

saw clearly that,

they had lost that,

part I still was spared of having

gone off and thought,

it best to stop being a pair,

which kept me, myself, and I

to safety,

brought on by normal play habits,

I wondered aloud, with the black beetles all

propped up on their seats.

They gave up some advice. Warning me,

that the foes ideas of insanity

is what grieves anyone who forgets,

The game is to play,

The pine tree filled,

with the sparrow's,

their chirps in unison agreed.

Yes, it's probably because they thought one

or the other of them self,

of the two we all

have to feed,

They probably think one of them


Again. What I said, a long time ago.

Okay! It was on the last starter of the last page.

Long enough for you?

I admire the two,

the one that is bad

and the one that is good

because they are in the keep

with each others company.

Since they have lived

the first day

in the same space

fighting each other

for control

no one knows better

then these two

just how all

their brothers and sisters

are too.

As the bad me and good me continue

to game with each other,

Not father or mother,

not foe

or lover

no one will be noticed

not even

any of the older or younger


Especially no foes. Not even in a large group

The two men with the white coat,

buckling the straps,

they know a thing

or two

about Crazies.

All the lot

backed off their spots

letting the woman and man

in white clothes through,

one beetle whispered, they're coming for you!

The elder of the white clothes,

While snugging up a strap said,

I don't know how you do it,

I am sure I don't want to know,

but it's back into your room you go.

All the bees, the birds in the tree, flies, and dragon flies too,

those people of all cultures, you know,

called insects, bugs, arachnids, amphibians, cold blooded,

and other names given to frog, snakes, and lizards;

all waved as I was lifted from the ground

my feet almost in the air,

Just as the sun rises

you know

we know

that those single minded pairs

father and mother

sister and brother


preacher and his wife

and many more

all stared and watched

me go by

tied up like sack

full of potatoes.

Oh their faces were

all flustered, agreed when they saw

me by the tree,

all alone.

all of them afraid

I was in some danger,

The cops hugged and said,

take him away boys

to the woman and man

in White.

I turned my head, so I could share a smile.

Looking toward the tiny people

all around, up and behind,

sitting and flying about

and under the tree.

All those people there.

See you tomorrow!

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Nice writing, i assume you write books for a living, I'm just winging it here :thumbsup:

Also loving the new Opera GX Web browser, it has everything from animated wallpaper to gaming ram limiters and tweaks, from everything you would expect from the first gaming oriented web browser.


Here's the link



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