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The last poster wins


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You forgot to say "New Page 6101 for the Win !!! "


So I'm just here to say it for ya ;) Cuz there is a plethora of new leaves to turn over , or grind up and make tea out of. But not to suggest that reading tea leaves need always be the intention for making tea ... albeit I am sure it is useful once in awhile.

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... to continue the thought on old ways ...

Well witchers for example : are still employed quite regularly to find the best spot to drill a new water well. Which is kinda funny thinking along the lines of how far geo science has come these days.

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I was taught to find water with two wands in my hands when I was five.


I am not going to get anymore serious on this link than that or what was before. I think I have been acting like the Village idiot all this time, because I would be practicing being a genius instead of trying to prove I can be the Village Idiot better than anyone else.


A village isn't a village without all it's members. One part of the village is the Village Idiot.


TheCalliton is the master of this thread. So it would seem TheCalliton is a master idiot? Or at least he's trying to make it seem so? Or is he trying to find out what happened to the village idiot where his village is to restore the villages harmony, and looking for a replacement while he does?




easy as pizza (pie)

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Ya that is one method to well witch ... there is a variety of methods. And they have been employed for many years with some measure of success. Hence I would guess why people still use them ... since it is usually a large investment gamble. Now days most people use both in my experience. The geology records and well witching.

I have to chuckle at the religious types who object to well witching because of pagan / dark magic implications. But it really ain't no ones business but the one to shell out the cash for drilling it. The method for location anyways .... But how it is drilled and how much water pulled out ... is of course everyones business that is connected to the water table.


That is so there ain't no potential for the village idiot to poison the water table we all share.

So thinking along those lines ... you are a far cry from the village idiot poisoning the water.

Plus most times the water is easily cleaned up by just pumping more out. (more post counts)

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Ahh come on ... you're not to dense to know nobody will ever win ultimately ?

Cuz the density of the water table affects how much water can flow out of it through how much/fast it can replenish itself. And clearly this thread has the most freely flowing water table


(( Cheezy Teethy Grin , emoji )) cuzzz there isn't one ...



okies I guess I've dribbled on / On this subject quite enuff ...

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Wow! And I knew I was good at pretending.


You've just won without a struggle.


Too bad old man, madness isn't always about losing it, sometimes it's because we have had it up to our eyeballs with the wealthy and working class all wondering why we just don't go back to the playground of our choosing.


I even thought of starting a club for the slim, too who like you and I have spied. I've pondered a family home for those of us who been so as SnowFox35 and us, so we can continue plutonic discussions. Rather then burn a red light in the window at night.


But the knives of my youth pain me, So, so I find a riddle to spell me awhile away on a magic carpet ride.


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The problem with "Entertainment" is you have to take it at face value.

Otherwise it's not entertaining is it ?


Check them Saints Today ... they was definitely entertaining ... well the whole game :)

Which does make ya wonder if stuff like that is staged for entertainment value ?


Not that pure athleticism and strategy doesn't effect it most.

But how much does rigging the commercialism play into it ?

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