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What happened to the author of the Populated series?


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I used to be in charge of a modding section for a medium sized forum. People would argue that because someone made good mods and contributed, this give's them a free pass when it comes to behavior on the forums, including using other peoples work without permission. People tend to forget the "behind the scenes" effort that greatly improves modding - running the servers and forums, providing a massive service, for free. Someone exploits that, breaks the terms that they agreed to when using the nexus, why are they owed anything?

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Well I just read the banned notice for both of the accounts (erkeil and rellosavini) and wow, TVD is really harsh, especially the first one.


Calling him stupid hardly seems appropiate or proffesional, it would have been better to take a non-evaluative approach and suspend judgement rather than attack him like that, especially from his position.

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Well I just read the banned notice for both of the accounts (erkeil and rellosavini) and wow, TVD is really harsh, especially the first one.


Calling him stupid hardly seems appropiate or proffesional, it would have been better to take a non-evaluative approach and suspend judgement rather than attack him like that, especially from his position.


Out of context and intended meaning again, but yes- looking back, he was stupid for doing it, there is no denying that.


It wasn't meant as an insult, it was a call of disappointment, he (and others) just took it the wrong way.


I liked him, I liked his mods, great works with so much potential still not explored - then he did something he had no logical reason to do.

This wasn't a one time thing that could be passed off as a freak occurrence, something that wouldn't happen again. It was a deliberate and persistent effort.


A choice he made over and over again to to try and jump the ratings on his own files - which is what is dumb, he didn't need to, the mods were already popular and widely used. You tell me where the sense is in doing that?

I was disappointed in him for it more than anything. So yes, he violated the rules - which in doing so pushed other people's works out of their deserved positions, and he was banned for it.


His ban this time around? Well - considering that he had to sneak back onto the site since he was still banned and tried to pass himself off as someone else, that tells me he hasn't changed or learned from his mistakes.

So he was banned again for the evasion of his first ban - and the files removed as they had no place here any longer.


Erkeil originally requested that his files be removed from the site after his first ban (what he used his ban appeal submission for, not to request reinstatement) - due to not wishing them to be present if he could not maintain them.

This time, when processing the second ban - I read back over the original appeal form, and felt that a similar situation should be taken.


As someone said - having a popular mod does not excuse you from the rules and regulations you agreed to when signing up to this site.


Thinking that it does is wrong.

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Really? Some guy loves to make mods that are widely accepted and he's banned from the Nexus? Twice? For the second reason solely being because he was banned before?


I am sorry but no one should get to break the rules, not once but twice, because they made a bauble you want.


Rules are there for a reason. They're enforced for a reason. Everyone has to play by them or suffer the consequences. These are things we learn in pre-K when we realize it's no fun to play with those that don't follow the rules and usually refuse to play with them.


How this is at all hard to understand is entirely beyond me.

Edited by Oubliette
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Well I just read the banned notice for both of the accounts (erkeil and rellosavini) and wow, TVD is really harsh, especially the first one.


Calling him stupid hardly seems appropiate or proffesional, it would have been better to take a non-evaluative approach and suspend judgement rather than attack him like that, especially from his position.


Out of context and intended meaning again, but yes- looking back, he was stupid for doing it, there is no denying that.


It wasn't meant as an insult, it was a call of disappointment, he (and others) just took it the wrong way.


I liked him, I liked his mods, great works with so much potential still not explored - then he did something he had no logical reason to do.

This wasn't a one time thing that could be passed off as a freak occurrence, something that wouldn't happen again. It was a deliberate and persistent effort.


A choice he made over and over again to to try and jump the ratings on his own files - which is what is dumb, he didn't need to, the mods were already popular and widely used. You tell me where the sense is in doing that?

I was disappointed in him for it more than anything. So yes, he violated the rules - which in doing so pushed other people's works out of their deserved positions, and he was banned for it.


His ban this time around? Well - considering that he had to sneak back onto the site since he was still banned and tried to pass himself off as someone else, that tells me he hasn't changed or learned from his mistakes.

So he was banned again for the evasion of his first ban - and the files removed as they had no place here any longer.


Erkeil originally requested that his files be removed from the site after his first ban (what he used his ban appeal submission for, not to request reinstatement) - due to not wishing them to be present if he could not maintain them.

This time, when processing the second ban - I read back over the original appeal form, and felt that a similar situation should be taken.


As someone said - having a popular mod does not excuse you from the rules and regulations you agreed to when signing up to this site.


Thinking that it does is wrong.


Oh, I agree that there could have been better action taken on his end, especially since he linked his old mods to the nexus version of them which are no longer available; he could have easily avoided that. His actions are indeed questionable and he did violate the terms of this site.

As to why he would do it, could be anyone's guess. However, I will try and not instigate the subject any further, since his mods will indeed be available on his own site in time.


I personally feel that yes, though his actions were "stupid", it wasn't necessary to call him/her out on it but since the subject is old I will leave it alone.

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Erkeil, in all his forms, broke the rules. Rules are rules, there to guide users to a comfortable and leisurely stroll through modding. It is clearly stated and has ever been, in the Terms of Service that multiaccount abuse will get you a one way ticket out the door. Debating the merit of mods over rules seems an engagement in futility.

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honestly it now makes me wonder if his work was his own considering the fact that he tried so hard to continuously buff his own mods endorsements and then sneak back in. His actions have no logic behind them. If your mods are popular why try so hard to make them even more popular when the need to do so is nonexistent. And THEN why be stupid enough to think no one would notice the connection when you sneak back onto the nexus and then place links to your previously banned account's mods on your new accounts mods pages. That makes absolutely NO sense what so ever. His advertisement for G.E.M.s is also questionable now because if both set of mods he "made" are there that might give him a way to get back onto the nexus some how because there are other mods linked to G.E.M.s on the nexus itself.....so....consider those mods free advertisements for his own and in turn a permanent place for him some how? very very questionable indeed.............

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honestly it now makes me wonder if his work was his own considering the fact that he tried so hard to continuously buff his own mods endorsements and then sneak back in. His actions have no logic behind them. If your mods are popular why try so hard to make them even more popular when the need to do so is nonexistent. And THEN why be stupid enough to think no one would notice the connection when you sneak back onto the nexus and then place links to your previously banned account's mods on your new accounts mods pages. That makes absolutely NO sense what so ever. His advertisement for G.E.M.s is also questionable now because if both set of mods he "made" are there that might give him a way to get back onto the nexus some how because there are other mods linked to G.E.M.s on the nexus itself.....so....consider those mods free advertisements for his own and in turn a permanent place for him some how? very very questionable indeed.............

Let's not completely throw him under bus now. As loathsome as his tactics of gaining popularity or whatever, his work was fairly unique and has been up for awhile without anyone saying otherwise. What surprises me however is the fact that he chose to come back after taking down his files. And this wasn't his first attempt back either, he's been trying to sneak his way in for awhile now. I do not like his way of doing things, but he is a damn good modder and I don't wish his work to be slandered

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