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Not looking forward to Oblivion?


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This morning I was (very bravely) swimming through the posts of the official Elder Scrolls forums. Inbetween such creative (and locked threads) as: "SPECS PLZ? KTHX" as well as "WILL THERE BE NUDITY?" I noticed a trend which, in my starry eyed ignorance, I did not consider.


There is a group of ES forum old salts who are actually really disgruntled about the release of Oblivion. Their complaints touch on the following subjects:


Built in, constant quest compass. The old salts hate this one passionately. Most of their protests are met with "Well, just wait for a plug-in that disables it."


Too much like Fable! This phrase seemed to be repeated over and over with little elaboration. As I have never played Fable, I am at a loss.


Dumbing down Oblivion for kids who play Halo. Also a frequent comment...it seems suddenly people loved getting lost in Morrowind. The main complaint is that the player will be guided along too much with regards to quests and who not to kill.


I want a return to the Daggerfall engine! Speaks for itself really.


NO SPEARS!!! Wow! I was surprised at this one...but then I have never been a spear player. I am disappointed that it is not in the game...but some people are really angry about it.


Do any of you feel strongly about negative aspects of Oblivion?

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Well as some of you whom I talk to on MSN know, I am doing my best to ignore all the pre-issue info and treat the game as something new and not Morrowind with new curtains.


I am slightly perturbed by Stampede's comment that the guidance along the quests will make them even easier. One of my major annoyances at MW was that you were spoon fed all the way. But again until I really see what this means as opposed to what it sounds as if it means I will maintain an open mind.


I know a couple of us on the forums feel that Ultima games peaked with Ultima 7 (I am one). But is it because I was really expecting 8 to be the equivalent of another expansion pack (only bigger)? Had I played U8 first would I have found 7 limited? Who knows?


Oblivion will have its changes, some I will surely like, some I might regret but I will try to play it on its own terms. Then I will judge it and also compare it with my Morrowind experience. To do so at this stage and in such 'excited' terms, as some have already done it would seem, is surely perverse.


It reinforces my view that the expression 'get a life' is not inappropriate for more than a few gamers!

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I am slightly perturbed by Stampede's comment that the guidance along the quests will make them even easier.  One of my major annoyances at MW was that you were spoon fed all the way.  But again until I really see what this means as opposed to what it sounds as if it means I will maintain an open mind.


Remember though, these are not my views.


I know a couple of us on the forums feel that Ultima games peaked with Ultima 7 (I am one). But is it because I was really expecting 8 to be the equivalent of another expansion pack (only bigger)?  Had I played U8 first would I have found 7 limited?  Who knows?


Funnily enough...I did play Ultima 8 before Ultima 7. Ultima 8 is far, far more limited than Ultima 7. You could not even sit down anymore...the world was no longer free flowing...etc..etc.

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I try to ingore them, most of the complaints are rubbish anyway. But all the top dogs on the official forums are Nicknaming OB General some pretty nasty stuff, "Hell" and "10.yr.old-n00bland" are the most Kind things I heard, I won't repeat the others, for fear of being banned.


I find it hard to have an opinion about things until I've experienced them.

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Built in, constant quest compass. The old salts hate this one passionately. Most of their protests are met with "Well, just wait for a plug-in that disables it."

They should stop belly-aching so much, I think. Just see Kissimurra's spoof compass pic, I think that's how a lot of them see it. It's quite small. The person who did that X05 preview I linked said that he didn't even notice it until he was almost done playing. People can click on an old quest that they've already completed to get rid of all quest directions if they really want to. Or maybe they could get an anti-compass sticker and put it over that spot on the screen whenever they play. :D


Too much like Fable! This phrase seemed to be repeated over and over with little elaboration. As I have never played Fable, I am at a loss.

That's a cheap shot just designed to try and make Oblivion look bad. Fable was a huge flop compared to what was promised when the project was first announced. It's nothing compared to Oblivion really. Believe me, I've played it. :P


Dumbing down Oblivion for kids who play Halo. Also a frequent comment...it seems suddenly people loved getting lost in Morrowind. The main complaint is that the player will be guided along too much with regards to quests and who not to kill.

Yeah I have to agree here. I think they may accommodate a little too much for the less intelligent gamer with some of the features they've implemeted. Not saying that all Halo players are unintelligent of course! Still, the new combat system should draw in some people who wouldn't have considered the series before, and that means more cash for Bethesda, which means more cash for future ES titles. Always a good thing. :D


I want a return to the Daggerfall engine! Speaks for itself really.

Eww. Just... eww. :P


NO SPEARS!!! Wow! I was surprised at this one...but then I have never been a spear player. I am disappointed that it is not in the game...but some people are really angry about it.

Hmm yes. Apparently there were some balancing issues involved there due to Havok physics being involved I think. A shame to be sure.


I don't really have any major gripes about Oblivion. It's by no means perfect, but it should still be just about the best RPG any of us have played I think.

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Looking at the posters here, I see a staffer and three moderators.


Have any of you ever considered that you're flaming people who most likely aren't active in this forum, and probably haven't even heard of it?


Has it occured to you that, in all this talk about there being people out there with no life whatsoever, you're all just whining about the fact that there are people out there who hold views that differ from your own?

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Looking at the posters here, I see a staffer and three moderators.


Have any of you ever considered that you're flaming people who most likely aren't active in this forum, and probably haven't even heard of it?


Has it occured to you that, in all this talk about there being people out there with no life whatsoever, you're all just whining about the fact that there are people out there who hold views that differ from your own?


So we're not allowed to have opinions on others opinions unless they're here with us or know of our presence? Since when?

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Remember though, these are not my views.


I didn't mean to imply they were, only that you were quoting others at this point.



Ah but would I have felt like that? U8 had things that U7 didn't, and if it had been those elements that attracted me - scaling cliffs, leaping onto moving platforms etc, I might have found U7 less engrossing. Gaming experience is very individual.

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Such a judgement would be entirely in your realm, Great Scott. I am simply noting that such behavior -- openly mocking these opinions only secure in knowing that the party that holds them will not retaliate -- is several orders of magnitude below what I would expect of staffers and forum moderators.


No names have been mentioned, nor has "flaming" occured. Un-quoted opinions have been ripped from the official forums and commented on here. Are you just trolling around for attention?

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