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Do you have a pet?


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Animals are a gift in a persons life. They make us laugh, sometimes drive us crazy, but most important give us unconditional love.


My special guy is Mr. Nips, and he was a stray that I rescued. I haven't had him for very long, but I'm loving every minute of it.



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I've got one dog and three lolcats. :)

I used to have two dogs, but the other is gone now, and my old rabbit is too.

I'll see if I can get some pics tomorrow.


Edit, I found a picture ;D


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Almost eight and a half years ago, I went to the Humane Society to see about a pet. Was looking at this cat through the glass when they flipped his sign with information over...his time was up and they were about to put him down. I tapped on the glass and asked to see the cat. We met in the "get acquainted room", I sat on the floor to be at his level. The cat walked up to me and nipped me on the chin. ...so, I ended up taking him home. Was going to name him "Shabon" (Arabic for ghost) since he could not be seen in a dimly lighted room, but when I was taking off the tag he was wearing, the numbers on it was 7 0 9. I had to laugh, being a Star Trek Voyager fan. Any the how he ended up being named Seven. True story.

He's a large cat at almost 15 pounds...not fat...just long...32 inches from fingers to toes.


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Animals are a gift in a persons life. They make us laugh, sometimes drive us crazy, but most important give us unconditional love.


My special guy is Mr. Nips, and he was a stray that I rescued. I haven't had him for very long, but I'm loving every minute of it.



I've got a dog named Harley and two cats. The female is named Scrappy, and the male is Squeaky. Actually...If I really think about it...I like my pets (and animals in general) alot more than I like most of the people I meet. Is that normal?

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I have a Cocker Spaniel named Jenny, a cat (not sure what breed) called Rosie, two goldfish (can't remember their names, my brother never made up his mind) and about 17 chickens.
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I have three cats that I love more than life:


Spaz: 16 years old and she's still going strong!



Ra: 3 month old tom kitten - the sweetest natured little guy ever!



Basil: 3 month old tom kitten acquired from the cat shelter as a buddy for Ra - also a sweet-natured little guy.



In my time I have had:






More cats






All sadly succumbed to old age.

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