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"Okay listen up everyone!" Bellows the Preacher, and the Tavern goes silent, all eyes fixed on the landlord.


"The one rule in this fine tavern is that there are no rules, so drink up, have fun, and go mad!"


And with that, he picks up a handy barstool and lobs it towards a miserable looking group of people supping their ale quietly in the corner...

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"Well, hello everyone. I would like to share with you a story of my younger, adventuring days, where my magicka supply didn't mean my life and my fatigue bar extended far, far longer than it did now..."


I was a younger adventurer, a fledgeling Telvanni mage with a penchant for reveling in the gain of power. I was far, far too ambitious, though, and I joined the strangely cliche'd ranks of sorcerors apprentices gone wrong... but I went wrong in a different way. I was going to join a hidden coven of Aundae vampires, Ashmelech, located in the Sheogorad region to the north of Vvandenfell District. However, I got far more than I bargened for. Just outside of Dagon Fel, I took a wrong turn and continued west instead of taking a slight turn south. I soon found myself in front of Ald Redaynia...


"I'm not saying any more until someone is kind enough to buy me a drink!"

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Thomas reached into his robe and pulled out his dagger. You see this. Its actually a duplicate of the mehrunes razor. Except its not enchanted and its lighter and stronger. I named it the Knife of the Nightblade. Thomas began drinking his sujamma. So whats your weapon, or spell.
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Kain smiled, and produced from his robes a long, black bladed staff. It had runed inscriptions of gold running down it, elegant lettering that appeared to be charred into the surface. It had two grips on it, each an equal length away from the blades on the top and bottom. "It's been a while since I needed this," said the drow Wizard, "I have a vast knowledge of Arcane Spells. They are almost always sufficient.
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Drow are in most d&d based games

they are a subterranean race of elves, who were forced to live in caverns underground when they lost a war for their freedom against the other elves. the war started when the other races saw that the drow were seeking powers which would certaintly corrupt them. typically the drow have their allegiance sword to Lolth, the spider goddess of darkness. they have dark ashen skin, white hair, and red eyes. they are generally built slenderly with agile physiques, but weak physically and magically inclined. of course, there are exceptions.

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