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An pair of arrows slam into Morgoth's chest, and a Habassan longbow's full power hits him with force unlike anything he has ever felt. Both slice effortlessly through his armor and their points stab through all the way to the other side. A woman's voice whispers in his mind "Did you really think you could kill me that easily?"


A third arrow hit his sword arm, breaking his hold on the Nord. Screaming with rage, the Nord jumps up and throws Morgoth to the ground. He grabs a broken bottle from the floor and slices it across Morgoth's face, leaving several nasty cuts. As the nord recovers his sword, the voice in his mind returns. "Take your scars and leave, Imperial fool."


The latest deaths reinspire the crowd, and the survivors, yelling for vengeance for their fallen friends, charge the remaining Imperials. Swords stop a few, but a human wave burries the Imperials, and blow after blow hammers their armor.

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Seran looks out at the crowd of barfighters with a glum look on his face. He turns over to Tilindra & says,


Well it seems their do busy brawling to listen to our music. Still that doesnt stop us from having a drink does it? What are you having?

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"I tried being nice to you...nord!!... attack!!!! He yells and 17 more legionares come through the door eliminating several barfighters then they bound the nords neck with ropes around his neck,arms and legs



meanwhile Morgoth drank 5 restore health potions then he healed the other soldiers including the orc

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"The village I grew up in had a retired bard living there. He taught all the children the old stories. When he realised I had more interest than the others, he taught me how to use my voice properly, and a few other things." She takes a sip of her drink. "Ahh, thats better.


"Your pretty good yourself, you know." She compliments Seran. "I don't think I've ever heard that song played that way. Gives it a completely different feel."

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<ooc: please, stop with the infinite resources... unless you want me to bring the full power of the Habassan Empire down on your head....>



The voice returns to Morgoth's head. "That was a really, really, stupid idea. How many more people have to die before you get the point?"


Every Imperial soldier in the room disappears in a flash of light, along with the ropes holding the Nord. He gets up again and retrieves his sword, grabbing a chair to use as a shield. As he prepares to resume the fight, the crowd closes in around Morgoth and the Nord, and begins cheering. Not a single voice can be heard in Morgoth's favor, and a few of them have to be held back from avenging the deaths of their friends.

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Fode lets out a defening roar of rage and defiance, slowly a sheild of magika (ooc: nordic wood ability possesed by all nords) enveloped the rageing nord , the angry tavern patrons grew quiet as a steady gust of cold wind flows from Fodes direction, the angry mob parts for Fode as he strides tward Morgoth with a twisted and angerd grin on his face, "FOOLISH IMPERIAL!! YOU ARE DEALING WITH A BARBARIAN OF WIND HELM!!! YOU WILL NOW PAY FOR YOUR INSOLOLENCE!!!", Fode raises his hand to eye level of the bewilderd Morgoth, "FEEL THE WRATH OF THE NORTH!!!", Fode laughs maniacly and from his hand a burst of magik frost billows forth englfing Morgoth entirely (ooc: nordic thunderfist ability again all nords posses it).
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