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Things that dont make sence FO3 version


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the way Dad makes you clear out Project Purity for him by yourself because he "isnt a capable fighter".




excuse me? remember that epic journey we just went on from Vault 112 to Rivet City? you know, that trip in which you killed a raider in a knife fight?



the trip on which you not only attacked a giant radioactive mutant bear with your bare hands, but chased after it when it tried to run away from us?





the trip where i almost died because your bloodthirsty old ass insisted on killing every living thing that we encountered?

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Truth is the whole game is riddled badly with inconsistencies that could have largely been left out.


I enjoy writing fanfic on the basis of filling in gaps and writing alternatives so inconsistencies vanish, well at least many of them.


Face it, much of the fun of a game like Fallout 3 is pointing out all the faults in it.

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Truth is the whole game is riddled badly with inconsistencies that could have largely been left out.


I enjoy writing fanfic on the basis of filling in gaps and writing alternatives so inconsistencies vanish, well at least many of them.


Face it, much of the fun of a game like Fallout 3 is pointing out all the faults in it.



i disagree, i would like it more if it had non-shitty writing, like Morrowind. at least there, any continuity errors were not huge and glaring.




ill probably continue to buy Bethesda games as long as they release construction sets and make them heavily moddable, but the quality of Bethesda games is definitely declining, no doubt.

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Truth is I agree with you, babyeatingdingo.


I was trying to be 'ironic'.


I have decided not to buy any more Bethesda games unless they improve but I suspect that if anything they will get worse. There are newer and more promising games coming out by other companies that I look forward to trying. For now there is modding and mods.

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Lets be honest... the whole damn game is a giant stinking abortion of suck that rapes the Fallout Canon (TES has Lore. Fallout has Canon. Get it right!) so badly they should have called it Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel 2. I miss the 3rd person view and style of the original but could have done without it. Too bad they decided to turn it into a poorly done oblivion mod that manages to fail at both being a action game and an RPG with a plot written by a 9 year old special needs child. To make matters worse Todd is a effing egomanic who is too thick to accept the fact that maybe it wasn't a good idea to turn the game into post-nuclear oblivion with guns that shoot effing teddy-bears! :verymad:


And yes, I am an old school fan. I'm also an old school Elder Scrolls fan (Morrowind for the Win) so don't think I'm just a reactionary ass. To me Fallout 3 is about the same as if they decided to make TESV a 3 person side scroller puzzle game.

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Truth is I agree with you, babyeatingdingo.


I was trying to be 'ironic'.


I have decided not to buy any more Bethesda games unless they improve but I suspect that if anything they will get worse. There are newer and more promising games coming out by other companies that I look forward to trying. For now there is modding and mods.




Here's a hint, children. They don't make games for people like us anymore. They make games for the retards on the 360 who play nothing but madden and Halo.


This is their market.


This is US!


Any questions?

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It's a moot point. Unless you are evil you have no idea how to be evil. As most people are good they only have notions of what evil is. Sure they can name off some "evil" deeds. But does the act make one evil or is it more. A truely evil person more than likely does not perceive their actions as evil, Moreover they would probably perceive other "good" people to be evil, From their perceptions they are right. Good/Evil is a judgement placed on others. Whose definition of good/evil are you using? Personally I do not believe in the concepts of good or evil.
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