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Things that dont make sence FO3 version


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Today I shot Ted Strayer with a silenced 10mm pistol -and it counted as a headshot! Would it make a difference that prior to taking on Crowley's gig I had talked to Ted telling him he was a freeloader. He then cringed on the floor and I found him there, still cringing, when I came to kill him; I could no longer talk to him -that's always how he ends up after I tell him he's a good-for-nothing.


Anyway, I went into VATS mode to sneak/snipe a Supermutant. I used up all of my Action Points and when the final shot rang, the Mutie was done for. He fell down in cool slo-mo. As he hit the ground he bounced a bit and then, seemingly out of nowhere, his head exploded. I was like WTF? You can bang your head when you fall down and get a nasty concussion -but this was too much. Oh, and the Mutie was already dead, so it didn't really matter whether it was going to be a simple concussion or his head gone missing. But seriously, that just doesn't add up.


Were you in the Red Racer Factory when this happened?


No this was out in the Wasteland, somewhere between BigTown and Hallowed Moors. Those Red Racer Muties have got exploding chips in their heads, so if they go off it is to be expected.

Maybe I shot the one mutant that escaped from Red Racer Factory? :biggrin:

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WHY THE *ban me* DID THEY MAKE RADIOACTIVE CARS???? I mean, srsly, isn't that some serious health & safety issue there? Nuclear cars would emit radiation that could quite potentially kill the driver and the passenger with radiation or, in the long run, cancer?


And also, if you could just shoot at someone's car a couple of times and it exploded into a mini mushroom cloud, why do they still park it so close to their houses? Heck, what if a cat decided to scratch it in the middle of the night and it inexplicably blew up?


The whole Fallout series is a parody of the 50's and their view on nuclear war. That was when people thought ducking under your desk to avoid a nuclear attack was a proper safety procedure. Everyone was going to have nuclear powered cars in the future etc. If that isn't obvious someone is being particularly thick.

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When playing The Pitt add-on I always side with Ashur and shoot Werhner. Why? Because Werhner and Midea are both the most unhelpful people I've ever taken a quest from (well... that I can recall off the top of my head.) I mean, Moira may be almost sociopathic in how she loves asking people to break their bones, get irradiated, or walk into minefields but at least she gives me the info I need to complete the task she gives me.


Werhner asks me to find The Cure but doesn't ever elaborate on what it is or what it looks like. If there was a dialog option to ask "Is it bigger than a breadbox? Is it green? Is it mechanical or chemical in nature? If you want me to go get something for you then al least tell me what I'm supposed to be getting!!"


I think it would have been really awesome if there was the option to just grab a bottle of RadAway, scribble the words "The Cure" in crayon on the label and then hand it to him when you meet him near the end of the Quest.


Werhner: Alright then, just put the brat in this little science lab and... what? Where's the kid?


Me: What kid? I brought The Cure, just like you asked. *hands him a bottle of RadAway with The Cure scribbled on the front*


Werhner: What the... hey *bleep* *bleep* this isn't The Cure, this a bottle of RadAway this is worthless.


Me: Hey, genius. Your sickness thing involves radiation, right. RadAway cures radiation sickness, therefore it was the closest thing to The *bleep*ing Cure I could find in that room. If you wanted me to kidnap a baby, then it really would have helped if you had told me up front to kidnap Ashurs baby... you know, and maybe explained that it had some kind of mutation resistance thing going on. Seriously, I don't know how you backwater freaks do things around here but in the Captital Wasteland we tend to think of medicine as refined substances found in bottles, not babies. You know what my plan is? I'm going to stick with Ashur and stay on his good side until he finally produces a finished usable product that can be used to cure this sickness, and then I'll have it mass-produced and administer it to your slave buddies or whatnot. Cause frankly, up until this point in time it seemed that this mission was to cure the sickness. But I guess your plan was to hold Ashurs kid hostage or something. Again, if that was your plan... then you should have told me so I could carry it out!


Werhner: ... I am now deciding to become hostile to you for no apparent reason.


Me: *Use my Rock-it-Launcher to blow off Werhners head with a barrage of teddy bears*




Oh, and he dissed my followers. Seriously, he complained about me bringing along Sergeant RL-3. "We can't maintain your robot out there, and really we don't need a bucket of bolts cramping our style."


Hey Werhner, this 'bucket of bolts' is an over 200 year old sophisticated war robot who I've seen take direct hits from Super Mutant missile launchers without flinching (I have Broken Steel installed). He's got a plasma weapon and a flamethrower of which neither need reloading and he can apparently repair himself back to full strength without needing any spare parts whatsoever! I say you let me bring my robot buddy along and then we can take over your little backwater town while slaughtering all who oppose us.


Werhner: Um... I uh... thats not a good idea because um... then it would be harder for me to backstab you once you've served your purpose?


Me: Sergeant, dispose of this communist ruffian.


Sergeant RL-3: By your command! *shoots Werhners head off with plasma gun*


Me: *loots Werhners body and finds a map to the Pitt* Sergeant, I do believe we should prepare for a an extended tour of duty... it is time to liberate a city from communist occupation.






Kudos to you my friend, kudos to you.

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Another thing:


Why are the people using bottlecaps as currency instead of coins? Or bullets?


Okay, I can understand if after the war people moved away from paper money because it has the tendency to deteriorate after time and might have been useful as kindling or toilet paper or something, but there should have been plenty of pennies, nickles, dimes, and quarters laying around as well.


There are ancient roman coins that have survived until today, so there should be no reason why in the Fallout universe where you can find cans of soda, medicine, or really cheap packages of macaroni and cheese that remain usable after 200 years why they can't have quarters and dimes and stuff around.



Coins should be infinitely more useful as a post-war currency because:


1) they are compact and easy to carry around... unlike bottlecaps that have those sharp ridges that would make it difficult to stack them.


2) they are already a currency and should be easily found in banks or cash registers or something... unlike bottlecaps which are commonly found in the garbage.


3) if can manage to collect 1,000 pennies then that just means that 200 years ago there was ten dollars worth of something and someone needed pennies to buy it with... 1,000 bottlecaps means that 200 years ago there was a thousand nuka-cola bottles and somehow all the caps got collected into a nice little pile.


3) You can trade five pennies for a nickle and five nickles for a quarter... with bottlecaps it seems there is only one type of cap. Do you really want to lug around two hundred jagged pieces of scrap metal around so that you can buy a gun? Or do you want to get some coins and put them into rolls?


4) Also, alot of the vending machines and robots that have managed to remain working perfectly for two hundred years would probably accept coins instead of bottlecaps. If there was some working vending machine that dispensed food in exchange for coins then I would use coins (okay, I admit that I would try hacking the thing so I got free food but I can't imagine someone making a vending machine that uses bottlecaps).



So, as I mentioned in another thread... the only way the bottlecap economy could work is if the Nuka-Cola corporation was secretly still operating and printing out bottlecaps and somehow keeping everybody using them instead of getting a better currency.



Which brings me to something I like to call the 'Bullet Economy'


It would make alot more sense in the wasteland if people used bullets to buy things (or at least if they are going to have a stupid non-coin currency then they might as well go with the things you fire out of guns instead of the things you pop off the top of ancient soda bottles).


For one thing, bullets are weightless (at least in the game) and everybody needs them to protect themselves from eachother. If I'm a merchant selling stuff to people in the wasteland, then I'm probably going to be keeping a gun on my person at all times and I'm going to have bullets as well. If my customer has bullets to give me, then I have stuff to give them. If they try getting a 'handgun discount' then I use my bullets to kill the bandit-to-be and take their stuff.



In short, the bullet economy is one of finesse and grace... if a bandit has enough bullets to try robbing you and you have enough bullets to be a successful merchant... then the best way of doing business is to just have the bandit trade his bullets for the thing he would otherwise steal. Otherwise, the merchant will just fire his bullets at high speed into the bandits skull.



Also, investment is a snap! If it takes you ten .32 caliber bullets to bring down a mirelurk then you know you have to sell the resulting mirelurk meat for ten .32 rounds to break even on your investment. The careful conversion of .32 bullets into 10mm rounds depends on the power of the respective bullet (though with the Ammo Press in The Pitt, then the value of each bullet can be carefully calculated and converted into 5mm rounds.)


Thus, if Lord Ashur from The Pitt were smart and wanted to get the Bullet Economy started then he could easily start converting all the bullets into convenient 5mm rounds and then further into whatever gauge of ammunition (or currency) he needs. Who cares about bottlecaps when the next best currency can activly protect your home? A man with a mountain of caps is an easy target for bandits! A man with a mountain of ammo is somebody you don't want to piss off!


Plus, ammunition is all built to rigid standards so that they can be fired from guns. While a vending machine that accepts bottlecaps would be pretty much impossible to build (since caps would all be warped from being pulled off the top of the bottle) a vending machine that accepts bullets would be perfectly reasonable!


Imagine stopping off at a post-war nuka-cola machine and depositing fifteen 5mm rounds into it to get a delicious ice-cold Nuka Cola? Or three shotgun shells?



Thus, the reigns of the Capital Wasteland economy could be pulled away from the Nuka-Cola corporation and the diseased hobos that sift through 200 year old dumpsters for bottlecaps (seriously, how do you think that pre-war Americans would feel if they saw their decedents sifting through garbage, grabbing up old bottlecaps that they had tossed into the garbage alonside dirty diapers and used cans of catfood?) and instead put it in the hands of ammo dealers who would probably be able to get whatever they want anyway.


And remember, every bullet you save up in Mr. Piggybank is a bullet that isn't being used to kill someone. (Just don't give your children their allowance in frag grenades... at least until you've taught them how to throw really far.)

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It would be easier to list things that *do* make sense in this game, but here's a few more puzzling things:


- Brotherhood of Steel send the Pride to help out Three Dog, but they can't spare anyone for the much closer and more convenient Jeff. Memorial when Dr. Li goes there

- I can earn a house in Megaton, but I can't buy Burke's house (or anyone else's for that matter)

- Even Dave has a school, but not Rivet City or Megaton

- Vance says to eat not of the flesh, but you can see him and his gang eating meat if you watch them eating

- Brian somehow manages to survive a horde of fire-breathing ants (and a week or two in that box) in spite of his obviously low IQ

- The Lone Wanderer is a virgin? Really?

- Trade Caravans never go to Tenpenny Tower

- Evergreen Mills raiders somehow have a Behemoth (never adequately explained how they did that)

- Crowley needs you to collect keys but he has no problem getting to Ft. Constantine

- The Union slaves can't fight slavers unless you give them permission somehow

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It would be easier to list things that *do* make sense in this game, but here's a few more puzzling things:


- Brotherhood of Steel send the Pride to help out Three Dog, but they can't spare anyone for the much closer and more convenient Jeff. Memorial when Dr. Li goes there


Yes, totally daft. After 'Take it back', there is one knight and a scribe defending the main facility... plus one knight burning dead mirelurks and a second titting around shooting at dying mirelurks, neither of whom are in a position to actually defend what is now the most valuable facility in the entire wasteland! The one knight and scribe outside by the water bottling plant keep getting killed by Enclave troops who spawn on the bridge but these troops inexplicably do not then simply recapture the now almost undefended Project Purity for the Enclave. Doh! Possibly the daftest thing in the entire game.


- I can earn a house in Megaton, but I can't buy Burke's house (or anyone else's for that matter)


No so daft. You have to be a proven asset to the community.


- Even Dave has a school, but not Rivet City or Megaton


Home schooling. Schools are vastly over rated (yes, I was home schooled too).


- Vance says to eat not of the flesh, but you can see him and his gang eating meat if you watch them eating


Yeah, that made me laugh :D


- Brian somehow manages to survive a horde of fire-breathing ants (and a week or two in that box) in spite of his obviously low IQ


He is an ignorant 8 year old, but being ignorant does not make him stupid. Unlike a grown up, who might try to fight with some piddly weapon, he knew to run. Makes him pretty smart actually.


- The Lone Wanderer is a virgin? Really?


Well no one in the vault really lit my fire, although I think a torrid lesbian love affair with Beatrice Armstrong might be interesting :) I chose the dialogue that implied a lesbian interest in Amata too.


- Trade Caravans never go to Tenpenny Tower


Yes that is crazy as they are probably the richest community in the wastelands


- Evergreen Mills raiders somehow have a Behemoth (never adequately explained how they did that)


Not so unbelievable. They could have trapped him or injured him to the point of incapacitation.


- Crowley needs you to collect keys but he has no problem getting to Ft. Constantine


Makes no sense at all.


- The Union slaves can't fight slavers unless you give them permission somehow


Go figure.

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Werhner: ... I am now deciding to become hostile to you for no apparent reason.


Me: *Use my Rock-it-Launcher to blow off Werhners head with a barrage of teddy bears*




Me: Sergeant, dispose of this communist ruffian.


Sergeant RL-3: By your command! *shoots Werhners head off with plasma gun*


Funniest. Reply. Ever. :biggrin: Genuine LOL.


And yes, I went there intending to help him, heard Ashur's pitch and thought... hmmm... slavery... bad... but actually he does have a point about the cure.


I did not kill Werhner but I did tell him to take a hike :P

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I have one question.


The Vaults were built (underground mind you) to survive nuclear blasts. Well after 200 years and after all the mini nukes abound havn't the raiders/slavers/enclave blow Vault 101 open? I mean the vaults can't take simultaneous hits from mini-nukes without crumbling (slowly but surely) to the direct blasts.


Also how come nobody uses Vault 101's cave as a living place, seems pretty stable, ya know?


Why don't other women learn from bittercup and wear makeup, they could all use some (without those nice enhancement mods)

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The Vaults were built (underground mind you) to survive nuclear blasts. Well after 200 years and after all the mini nukes abound havn't the raiders/slavers/enclave blow Vault 101 open? I mean the vaults can't take simultaneous hits from mini-nukes without crumbling (slowly but surely) to the direct blasts.


Also how come nobody uses Vault 101's cave as a living place, seems pretty stable, ya know?


Ants (and probably radroaches). If you look at Springvale school, you'll see they attempted to do exactly that.


See Wiki

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