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well now thatthe game is out it can be said


As a long time fan of the ftanchise ESO is everything i feared it would be

just another WoW clone in a generic fantasy themepark that offers nothing new in the world of mmos

it is repetitive , prety linear and offers no challenge

any average player who plays plus minus 15 hours a week will level cap after 6 to 8 weeks solo

there is no rpg element , actually the last real mmo rpg died when sony decided to make starwars galaxies more like a wow themepark

ESO is just lile any other mmo a combat simulator nothing else

and nothing the developers told us in the last 2 years basicly was a lie . because they believed that most of us would buy anything with the TES name stamped on it


the only good thing about ESO is that it looks pretty good for a mmo but thats the only thing

everything else i ve seen before and done before

if you never layed a mmo go ahead and have a try but it is relative expensive for just another WoW clone i suggest to wait for 6 months or so game will probably go F2P after that


all prettty sad tho they had the chance to make something new and exsiting that really would be worth a subscription fee , instead we are all left with this nasty deja vu feeling


If they instead had took the skyrim engine improved it and made it into a multiplayer engine where you and up to 5 others could enjoy and explore parts of tamriel and sold that for $ 200 a piece they would probably sold more copies than they would ever have sbscription for ESO

Edited by kleinstaff
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I don't know... having played most MMOs with the exception of the plethora of Asian RPGs, I would say ESO brings a lot of new things to the table.

It is not as linear as other MMOs. The only linear part are the main quests, which, in a game where you have to level up to get stronger, you need to have a linear questline. There are very few quest hubs, and the ones that exists are natural quest locations, not forced like in most MMOs. Most quests are found at other locations than where you are "sent". There are almost no "kill X amount of Z" / "gather X amount of Z", and those that exists are part of a bigger quest where you actually use the items you gathered.


Crafting is extremely unique, and less of a grindfest that most MMOs have. It is, in my opinion, actually fun to do.


PvP in an MMORPG has never been done on such a large scale before, and the mechanisms, while not new, are refreshing.


And it is definitely an RPG. You can play however you want to with regards to armor/weapons. You can use whatever skills you like, and be effective. You can customize your armor extremely much. And the quests have some interesting stories that you can delve into and roleplay. The only negative is that you will have to do most quests if you don't want to grind your way up. You can't turn down a quest because it does not suit your character, like you can in a singleplayer game.


I am extremely excited about the game, and I really like it so far (lvl 26). I take it slow, and I explore every corner of the map, I craft, I trade. I have fun. There has been a loong time since I have had fun playing an MMORPG.

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In response to post #13723103.

I agree with every thing you said, and I would like to add that the game doesn't punish you much if you travel off the beaten path (I accidently skipped newb island and started questing in the first main zone, other than a higher than average death rate I was still enjoying my self

*spoiler alert*

another experience I had was when I stumbled across a cave with an icon indicating a boss at the end, I ran in there expecting a fight but all I found was an unguarded chest, assuming the boss was killed I thought to myself "hey, free stuff"....
I clicked to open the chest and suddenly found myself in a plane of oblivion! ended up helping a darkelf and doing a fetch quest for talking crows, it was a blast
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the quest system might indeed look different , instead of completing a quest and go to the next one in this case a new duest automaticly follows the quest your character is doing

in the end it is the same result

you gtog your quests get new gear and level up

you keep repeating that untill you reach your level cap or get so tired of it

what annoys me the most is that somebody at zenimax had a brainfart and thought it would be great to make all these quzsts pretty linear and EASY

really easy , once you know how the control workf you can play this game while watching a repeat of last seasons the walking dead

i don t think anybody at zenimax lnows what the second M in MMO stands for

probably MONEY i guess


no this whole ESO thing is a attempt to beat out as much money out of the fans as they can

i will stick to my single player games and if i do want to play a mmo i will play any other mmo than ESO atleast they are cheaper do not pretend to be the ultimate MMO or be a real TES game and have far less gamebreaking bugs , one would expect that after a year in beta those really gamebreaking bugs would have been weeded out

but no making promotiontrailers and making up lies for the fans was more important


yes i really feel cheated by zenimax and yes i bought the game hoping it would be alright afterall ...needless to say that was stupid of me

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My biggest issue with the closed/open betas was the loot. It's just so damn boring having come from a background of looting from games like Diablo, WoW, Dungeon Defenders, Sacred, Torchlight et al. I understand that loot in Elder Scrolls games has always been extremely lacklustre, obviously inspired by Dungeon's and Dragons style loot (OMG, I can upgrade my Sword +1 to Sword +2!!!!), but what Skyrim lacks in loot it makes up for in relatively decent exploration and questing. ESO is not a single-player experience however and does not have the same exploration or questing experience. It's not good enough, for me, to say "it's got the best exploration/question system of any MMO", because it's still crap. In the MMO industry which, lets face it, once you've completed the storyline and hit the end-game is all about how susceptible you are to gambling addiction, I want awesome loot, and I want it to come thick and fast.


In the EQ2 vs WoW days I loved EQ2; it looked better, it played better, the people were better, it just seemed better. But the loot was AWFUL. Everyone was wearing the same crap and there was very little differentiation between other people of a similar class of a similar level. ESO feels the same. In the end I simply gave up on EQ2 after a month, ignored WoW and never bothered with MMO's again until a 3 year stint in Eve Online, which is the only MMO to-date that captures something different in the genre.


ESO doesn't fulfil my looting needs, so I've returned to Diablo 3. I wanted to hate it for what they did to the game and its awful launch and auction house, but the new patch makes Diablo 3 a completely different kettle of fish. It is an extremely good game now. I likely won't give ESO another look.

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My biggest issue with the closed/open betas was the loot. It's just so damn boring having come from a background of looting from games like Diablo, WoW, Dungeon Defenders, Sacred, Torchlight et al. I understand that loot in Elder Scrolls games has always been extremely lacklustre, obviously inspired by Dungeon's and Dragons style loot (OMG, I can upgrade my Sword +1 to Sword +2!!!!), but what Skyrim lacks in loot it makes up for in relatively decent exploration and questing. ESO is not a single-player experience however and does not have the same exploration or questing experience. It's not good enough, for me, to say "it's got the best exploration/question system of any MMO", because it's still crap. In the MMO industry which, lets face it, once you've completed the storyline and hit the end-game is all about how susceptible you are to gambling addiction, I want awesome loot, and I want it to come thick and fast.


In the EQ2 vs WoW days I loved EQ2; it looked better, it played better, the people were better, it just seemed better. But the loot was AWFUL. Everyone was wearing the same crap and there was very little differentiation between other people of a similar class of a similar level. ESO feels the same. In the end I simply gave up on EQ2 after a month, ignored WoW and never bothered with MMO's again until a 3 year stint in Eve Online, which is the only MMO to-date that captures something different in the genre.


ESO doesn't fulfil my looting needs, so I've returned to Diablo 3. I wanted to hate it for what they did to the game and its awful launch and auction house, but the new patch makes Diablo 3 a completely different kettle of fish. It is an extremely good game now. I likely won't give ESO

just wanted to gove you a +1 for your eveonline comment , i ve been playing that for almost 8 years and while in a break for now is the only MMO i know that is truly a mmo open endeda sandbox game with real exploration

Future MMO developers can learn alot of that game

if a real man would ever play a MMO he would play eve online

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