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Lerrow the Imperial - Oblivion story


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This story is about a Imperial called Lerrow who lived in Skingrad until...

Part I

Lerrow was a baker who worked at Salmo the baker's shop, he helped him deliver foods and of course - sweetrolls. Usually Salmo didn't gave him any baking job to do even though he was a baker too.

One day Lerrow was walking back home after his usual work he heard a sound, not just any sound but the one which was like a ghost dying."I think I need to investigate" he thought. The sound came from the house that was nearby Rosethorn Hall. Suddenly as he step closer and closer he saw that the lights from the house gone, the growing tree in the garden turned into a burned log, and this house was Nerastarel's house. He remembered Nerastarel as a strange mage who never went to church and somewhat rude to all people around him. Lerrow stand in front of Nerastarel's house and saw a lich looking out of the window! The fear caught him, he ran and ran, until he slipped on a wet rock that nearly make him fall into the mud, he stopped. He looked around him and saw his friend - Alvar Theloras. "What are you doing here?" Alvar asked. "I saw a Lich." Lerrow answered quietly. What?!?! a Lich here? Impossible. Come with me, see for yourself! To Nerasterel's house, lets go! Alvar didn't said a word. "We are here" Lerrow said. What the hell happened here? It was peaceful and quiet ten munutes ago! Lets see what's going on come on! "But..." Lerrow couldn't say a word.


Excuse my bad english if something here is not understandable to you, please put here your ideas and tell me what do you think about this story.

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Part II

He followed Alvar into the house, this place was all in spiders, their webs, broken furniture and the worst of all - zombies! "I think this was not a great idea to go inside!" Lerrow said in fear, "No worries!!!" Alvar was in his usual, joyful tone of voise. Suddenly the zombie ran down the stairs, with a disgusting roar it fell down because it slipped on a chair's foot. "Now is our chance Alvar! Sunburn, cast Sunburn!" He casted it on the fallen zombie right on its head, and with scary, disgusting scream of agony it died. "It died for good, I hope we won't see zombies here anymore." "Look here Lerrow, a dagger! Its silver!" Alvar smiled. The point of the blade was made of rough silver, but the other half of blade was made of iron, and handle was made of simple redwood. "Good, if there's any ghosts we can hurt them." Lerrow responsed. With a loud crack the door openned and another zombie ran out of the basement! "You know what to do Alvar! I'll go from behind!" Lerrow ran up stairs and hide there, when Alvar lured him into the corner of room, Lerrow threw the dagger into the zombie's back. Suprisingly, with a groan, zombie pulled out the dagger and pointed it at Alvar's head. "Umm... Lerrow do something!" "Cast Cold Touch on dagger, I got a plan!" He answered. As soon as he casted it, zombie's hand stick to the freezing blade, Lerrow jumped with somewhat evil and fearsome look on his face. Zombie swung his hand at Alvar but it was too late... Lerrow bashed its head with a piece of wooden chest so hard, that the blood splashed onto their faces. "Thanks Lerrow, lets go and see whats all up to." Alvar said, wiping the blood off his face. "To the basement right?" "Yeah, and by the way, we better to not involve guards in here for now!" Alvar responded. As they walked in to the basement, ghost attacked them. It hit Alvar very hard in the stomach so he fell on to some bones. Lerrow dodged, suddenly ghost appeared behind and knock him over. "Argh! Alvar help!" Lerrow feared that this will be the end of his life. Another ghost appeared, and another, until there was 8 ghosts. Alvar got on his feet, luckily the ghosts haven't seen him as he sneak behind the bookshelf. "You ALL going to die with your damned Mannimarco!" Alvar shouted as he casted the spell. Suddenly with a blinding flash of light, a crash of wood, and a roaring wind, the ghosts screamed in agony as the light pierce them! One by one they dissapeared in the light, and the only thing that remains is memories and Ectoplasm...

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Before I'm going to continue writing the story lets have a look at our characters.

Lerrow - He's 24 years old, and a cook/baker who worked at Salmo's shop, he has no family, only his brother who will appear (and maybe join him) in part 5-7.

Alvar Theloras - He is 23 years old, Lerrow's friend and somewhat confused/perplexed mage, He lost his work because he had to move to Skingrad. The settlement which was a to the west of Bravil, on Riverhold mountain (Elsweyr) has been burned into ash, - some skooma smugglers did that.

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Part III

Alvar dropped on the floor because of exhaustion. Lerrow stood up, checked bookshelves,

tables, books, drawers and paintings for any clue about all that happened. He found

Nerastarel's note in "Guide to Bravil" book. Alvar finally stood up, "What? Did you found

anything?" he asked but couldn't stand without help. "Yes, check this one, it seems that he

now is in Leyawiin." "Leyawiin? I remembered that some argonians were talking about

something called 'The Ritual'!"

"Luckily my brother is living in Leyawiin, maybe he can tell us something. Can you walk

now?" "I think I need to get some rest... Oh, I forgot to tell you that I have brought a

horse here, we can travel right now, lets go!" "What about Lich?" "Lich? We deal with him

later." They left his house and it appeared to be 10 PM already, but this won't stop them

from travelling. They went to the 'West Weald' Tavern, brought some ale, bread, and cheese,

took sacks from home, and mounted their horses. They decided to have a look at Alvar's settlement on the way back. They took a shortcut through edge of the forest, but then saw a settlement called Border Watch, and decided to take a rest. The settlement was entirely populated by Khajiit, and there was Leyawiin-style houses. "Welcome to Border Watch strangers, my name is Ri'Bassa, I am a shaman here." "Hello, can we get some rest here?" "Yes, just go into the inn."

They went into inn and met S'thasa who got large collection of cheese, and offered a room for 10 gold. They got some rest and asked about Nerastarel, but no one seems know anything about him. Lerrow learned some recipes from Tsramla and some combat moves from M'diir. Next day they continued their quest. After five minutes they were on the road. "Look over there!" Alvar pointed finger at strange man, who looked like breton. He start running and most likely tried to run away from them. "Hey stop! We don't want to harm you!" They shouted. The man jumped into the bushes and start to run along the beach, he jumped over a mudcrab and turn back. "Hey stop!" Alvar yelled at him, "Catch me if you can, bandits! Even horses can't outrun me!" stranger responsed. "Wait! We aren't bandits we are adventurers!" Lerrow shouted back. "What? Oh I'm glad that you aren't bandits, and, who exactly are you?" "I'm Lerrow and he is Alvar, and you are?" "Yes, my name is Hastrell Ordius, I have got some problems with bandits you see."

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Part IV - Adventure Awaits!

"Well, maybe we can help you, Please go ahead." "There is a cave somewhere near Riverhold Mountain

that..." "Riverhold Mountain you said? My home was there, and now it's ash, only dust and ash..."

Interrupted Alvar. "This cave is near Border Watch, covered under thin layer of ivy and moss. I was

picking up herbs when those scamps attacked me, I tried to run but, I got hit by arrow in my hand."

"Can you please tell us exactly where it is, and maybe how many bandits there are?" "Well Lerrow, It

is to the west from here, just go right to the west from Border Watch. And if you're going to help

me please look for strange looking stones, they glow in the dark. You can take some with you ,but,

please return some to me, and will reward you really well." "Right, bandits, magic stones,

treasure... This idea sounds crazy, what do you guys think?" "Well Alvar I'm sure your magic can

handle them." Said Lerrow. "Farewell, I'll be in Border Watch, Good Luck! You will need it!" "Right

Alvar what shall we do first? Find Nerastarel or deal with those bastards?" "I think we should visit

Leyawiin, find Nerastarel, do our things there... Hmm... Nevermind!" "All right then, we should ask

my brother for help, if we don't want to get hunted down like boars." "Boars? Taste good! What if I

polymorph'em, or make than jump like rabbits?" Alvar thought. They travelled to Leyawiin and asked

about their brother, who's name is Sindelios. It sounds very much like the High Elf name which was

very like the Imperial one - Syndelius. A beggar said (For a Coin, of course) that he live near

Weebam-Na's house.They found his brother's house and came in."Hello there can I... Lerrow? Hi there,

good that you came to see me!" "Hi, we came here to ask you about Nerasterel, that 'shady' mage,

remembered him?" "Yes, I saw him fleeng to Bravil ! Why do you need him?" "His house in Skingrad

is..." "Cursed!" Alvar Interrupted them. "Cursed? what do you mean?" "Zombies, ghosts, broken

furniture, burned trees and they nearly killed us!"Lerrow said. "But thanks to me, I saved Lerrow!"

Alvar said in his 'heroic' voice. "So we have to go right to Bravil, right?" Lerrow asked. "Yes, but

before you go maybe you want to take some supplies with you?" "It will be a pleasure!"Said Alvar.

They took Leather cuirass, two hoods, scrolls, three healing potions, wooden staff and some food

with them. "I see you're ready to go into the dungeon, right?" "Yes, a man called Hastrell Ordius

gave us some job to do, and promiss a nice reward!" Said Alvar. "Hastrell? He is Bravil's famous

runner! Sadly he is unknown anywhere else, he even can jump from roof to roof. Also, there is rumour

that he is climbing into guards towers at night, but only beggars seen him doing that!" "All Right,

Sindelios bye, I'll see you tomorrow!" Lerrow shouted back.

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Ooops, sorry if the text looking weird, like that,

Lerrow, bla bla bla







It was an error with copying, so if you see 1 word on 1 line then sorry.

A "fix" for that is - click new reply, and then scroll down, you will see it OK.

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